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关于这一点,社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿就是现成的例子。Just ask Paris Hilton.

一名忙碌的名媛没在那儿呆太久。A busy celebrity, she couldn't stay long.

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当一个产品具有革新意义的时候,社会名媛很可能对它们有害无益。When a product is truly revolutionary, celebrity spokespeople may do more harm than good.

此外,社交名媛帕里斯·希尔顿也是第29届金酸莓奖的一大“赢家”。Socialite Paris Hilton was the other big award-winner at the 29th annual Golden Raspberry Awards.

想模仿帕丽斯·希尔顿等社会名媛,宠物狗吉娃娃是不可或缺的“时尚配饰”。They became a must-have fashion accessory for those wanting to ape socialites such as Paris Hilton.

你在说什么?大家好,欢迎来到一年一度的,沙龙名媛社交舞会。What are you talking about?Hello and welcome to the annual dispensary cotillion And debutante ball.

然而一只口红,一次理发,以及稍后的一次购物——哇塞——她成了学校里的上流名媛。A little lipstick, a haircut and a shopping spree later -- whammo -- she's high school high society.

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要从一座大型购物中心中中救出一个还不知道自己将要继承巨额财产的名媛,你认为我们会吗?Rescued from a shopping mall, heiress with a little girl's soul. Do you think we'll make the papers?

其形或似仙山名岳,或似珍禽异兽,或似名媛诗仙。The shape or name like mountains or mountain, like or like ladies Shixian rare fowls and strange animals.

TMZ声称,这对夫妻在为伍兹据说和纽约名媛瑞秋·优池泰儿有染而争执。TMZ claimed the couple had been arguing over Woods's alleged relationship with New York hostess Rachel Uchitel.

晚宴上,名媛们将与贴身男伴绕场一周,舞伴会将她引见给舞会的主持人。During dinner, the debutantes walk around with their devoted companions and are presented to the master of ceremonies.

许多名媛曾作过整形手术,而美国社会也不段将这些人的形象公诸于世。Many celebrities have had cosmetic surgery, and the American public is constantly exposed to images of these altered humans.

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故事的线索围绕着社交名媛普里西拉·宾厄姆的经历展开,她的丈夫塔尔博特在婚后十年去世。The plot follows the adventures of society beauty Priscilla Bingham, whose husband, Talbot, dies after 10 years of marriage.

马丁看得如此认真专注,五百个衣着时髦的仕女名媛也都转过头往看他在看什么。Five hundred fashionably gowned women turned their heads, so intent and steadfast was Martin's gaze, to see what he was seeing.

在出席纽约的游乐园及夜总会嘉年华开幕式时,这位28岁的社交名媛抱着一只名为“本特利”的小黑猩猩并对它献上香吻。The 28-year-old socialite cuddled up to Bentley the chimpanzee at the opening of amusement park and nightclub Carnival in New York.

一天,我遇到一个人。这个人和那些风月场中的名媛过从甚密。我问她。One day, I chanced upon one of those men who live habitually on intimate terms with the most notorious courtesans . I questioned him.

在,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。On January 1, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.

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在2010年1月12日,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。On January 12, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.

本人愿意收阅KLEEWENG名媛贵族医学美容会发出的有关美容最新信息的手机短信。I would like to accept the short message of mobile phone which reads the newest information of KLEEWENG Noble Lady Private Beauty Salon.

小康拉德是大名鼎鼎的希尔顿连锁酒店的创始人康拉德·希尔顿,也是名媛帕里斯的伯叔。Hilton was the son of Conrad Hilton senior, the founder of the Hilton Hotel chain. He is also the great- uncle of Paris and Nicky Hilton.