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供暖系统。A heating system.

系统管理。System management.

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我喜欢这样的系统。I like this system.

尝试系统还原。Try System Restore.

美国的监狱系统。Prison system in US.

那就是这个系统。That was the system.

致命的系统错误!Critcal system Error!

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我有这样的一个系统。I have such a system.

打开系统电源。Power on your system.

排烟系统。Smoke removal system.

这是一个拉动式系统吗?Is this a pull system?

花边系统之上。Lace-up system on top.

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这就是一个拉动系统。This is a pull system.

数字影院系统。Digital cinema systems.

告诉你系统的相。It tells you the phase.

这个系统叫做“语音答录”。It's called voice mail.

多区域音响系统?Multiroom sound system?

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新的纹身子系统?New tatooing subsystem?

这是个喧闹的系统。This is a noisy system.

另外一种约束是孤立系统。We could have isolated.