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士兵们在一片漆黑中急行军40英里。In inky darkness the men made a forced march of 40 miles.

他加快步伐,生怕在急行军中掉队。He hurried on, lest he should drop out in the forced match.

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迪洛矮人向新定居点急行军。The derro make haste to their new settlement at a forced march.

这个排必须急行军以在天黑前赶回基地。The platoon will have to march in double time to get back to base before nightfall.

他们在四天急行军后到达距省会云南府十英里处。A spectacular march in four days brought them within ten miles of the capital, Yunnanfu.

它那681页的文本读起来就像在蒙古草原上急行军一样让人累得慌。Its 681 pages of text are at times as grueling as a forced march across the Mongolian steppe.

此时,北军全部七个军团中的六个已经抵达战场,而第六军团以急行军的速度从32英里之外赶过来。Six of its seven corps had arrived on the battlefield, and VI Corps was making a thirty-six-mile forced march to reach it.

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休闲旅游是以休闲为目的的旅游,它是人们经历了“急行军”式的传统观光旅游之后的一种理性回归。Leisure Travel aims at easing which is also a kind of rational regression from the traditional travel manner of "quick march".

因为,尽管他们在第一天急行军之后可以到达绿洲,但那儿的泉水太少了,不足以给所有的士兵和牲口解渴。For though they could reach the oasis by the end of their first day's march, yet the springs there would be too little for the thirst of all those soldiers and their beasts.

5月2日,杰克逊秘密又迅速地带领一支28,000人的部队急行军15英里攻击胡克的侧翼,而同时李在前方攻击转换其注意力。On May 2, Jackson stealthily and quickly took 28,000 troops on an approximately 15-mile forced march to Hooker's exposed flank while Lee engaged in diversionary attacks on his front.