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最后讨论一下等离子体阴极电子枪。To discuss plasma cathode guns at last.

另外还提出了电子枪的设计新思路。Moreover we provide the new design of the EGUN.

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电子枪可以实现电子束能量扫描。The electron gun can achieve energy scan of electron beam.

真空泵开始抽取电子枪管里的空气。The vacuum pumps begin sucking the air from the barrel of gun.

BEPCII改进工程需要更高流强的电子枪。BEPCII upgrading project needs a new high current electron gun.

SEB系列电子枪电源是一种高性能的开关电源。The SEB Series e-gun power supply is a high performance switch mode power supply.

一种阴极射线管电子枪储运装置。Disclosed is a storage-transport device of an electron gun with a cathode ray tube.

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电子枪作为行波管的“心脏”,直接影响着整个行波管的输出性能。As the heart of TWT, the electron gun directly affects the output performance of TWT.

根据强流电子光学理论,在填充等离子体条件下,设计平面阴极电子枪。To design electron guns with plane cathode according to high current electron optics theory.

本论文的主要研究内容是大辐照面电子枪的设计和调试分析。This thesis focuses on the designing and testing of an electron gun with large incident face.

采用动态聚焦电子枪是提高CRT全屏分辨率的有效手段。Dynamic-focus electron gun is used as a main means to improve the all-screen- resolution of CRT.

本文粗略地介绍了采用多电子枪阵列技术使显像管薄形化的方案。This paper introduces the idea of multi Electron Gun Matix Technology that can make CRT thinner.

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高增益自由电子激光对电子束团提出了高品质要求,只有光阴极微波电子枪能够达到这一目标。High gain FEL requires high quality electron beam which can be provided only by the RF photocathode gun.

彩色显象管电子枪零件一般由不锈钢材料制成,具有较高的硬度和强度。Electron gun accessories of color kinescope are made of stainless steel which has high hardness and intensity.

HC系列电子枪蒸发源在所需的涂层生产应用中有着优异的表现。The HC series e-Gun evaporation sources deliver superior results in demanding production coating applications.

本文论述回旋管绝热电子枪数值计算方法,其中与一般强流电子光学计算类似之处从略。In this paper, the method of numerical calculation of the adiabatic electron gun used in gyrotron is discussed.

化学研磨提高了电子枪零件的平面度、真圆度和耐压值,降低表面粗糙度。Flatness, evenness, anti pressure property of the accessories were improved and surface roughness thereof was decreased.

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这种三维粒子模拟可以扩展到非对称的电子枪的模拟,如橱控电子枪,多注电子枪等。This PIC simulating can be extended to gun with asymmetric construction such as grid-control gun and multiple beam gun etc.

为解决电子枪零件孔口毛刺难以去除的问题,采用化学研磨工艺进行处理。In view of the problem of burrs existed on orifice surface of electron gun accessories, a chemical rubbing process was developed.

SEB电源可同时或者顺序给三个电子枪提供功率输出和操作。SEB power supplies are designed to power and operate up to three e-Gun evaporation sources either sequentially or simultaneously.