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那人企图跳河自杀。The man tried to byjumping into the river.

有可能跳河的人很容易看出来。"Potential jumpers are very easy to recognize, " he said.

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哦,如果人人都去跳河,你也跟着跳吗?Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?

跳河自尽吧中国。先管好你们的有毒化学物质。Go jump in a lake, China. Better be sure to check it for toxic chemicals first.

最近我站在河边,想跳河自杀,但是我没有跳。Recently I stood by the river and I thought about throwing myself in but I didn't.

但是,让我来告诉你,假如你尝试从金门大桥跳河自杀结果实际上是怎样的。Butt let me tell you what actually occurs when the bridge is used as a means of suicide.

前天早上,一名窃贼在公交站台下手时被市民发现,竟跳河逃跑了。The morning before last, being caught stealing, a thief jumped into the river to escape.

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调查了我国第一条全流域梯级水电开发的河流——猫跳河中梯级水库对磷的拦截效应。Maotiao River as a tributary of Wujiang River, which had been entirely exploited also the first since 1960s.

这个节日和历史上一个诗人有关,他因为对自己的国家失望跳河自尽。This festival has long been associated with a famous poet in history, who was so worried about his country that he drowned himself.

然而,当地政府官员却声言,该女子的男友说过女子是在他作俯卧撑时跳河的。However, a local government official claimed the girl's boyfriend said the girl had jumped into the river when he was doing push-ups.

猫跳河流域经过30多年以水能为先导的开发,已成为贵州经济最发达的区域,但是。After more than 30 years constructions of primary hydropower, Maotiaohe Riverbasin has become the most developed area in economy in Guizhou Province.

调查了我国第一条全流域梯级水电开发的河流——猫跳河中梯级水库对磷的拦截效应。The study investigated the phosphorus retention effects of cascade reservoirs of Maotiao River in summer, which had been entirely exploited by 1960s.

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该文以宋跳河桥桥头地区为例,对粉喷桩设计和施工及验收中注意事项作了探讨。Taking bridge head area of Songtiao River for example, discussion has been made hereby on key points of the design, construction and acceptance of cement mixed pile.

佛蒙特警方曾报道过的失踪妇女和儿童,这个妇女带着他其中的一个女儿跳河了。Police in Vermont say a woman reportedly missing with her two daughters waded into a brook carrying one of them. She eluded a rescue attempt before mother and child were swept away and died.