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三周后,工蜂出房。Three weeks later, worker bees emerge.

她从来不用她的螫针去剌工蜂,雄蜂,或人。She never uses it on workers, drones, or people.

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工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。Workers' rations are diluted with honey and pollen.

为了了解更多,科学家们观察了忙碌的母工蜂。To learn more, the scientists watched the busy mama bees.

工蜂在野外辛勤劳动一天之后返回蜂房。The worker-bees after a hard day in the field return to the hive.

成年工蜂用咀嚼过的掠食喂养幼虫。Adult worker hornets feed the masticated prey flesh to the larvae.

工蜂的头上有两根满载3000个感觉器官的触须。A worker bee's head has two antennae loaded with 3, 000 sensory organs.

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结果表明,工蜂体内保幼激素酯酶活性随着日龄的增大而下降。The results showed that the JHE activity decreased as workers age added.

工蜂使用超级上面存储他们的蜂蜜。The worker bees use the supers above to store most of the honey they make.

一群工蜂可以用它们的刺杀死一只动物——甚至一个人!A group of worker bees can kill an animal--or even a person--with their stings.

这些物质与王浆混合在一起,王浆是一种由年轻的工蜂产生的液体。These substances are mixed with bee milk, a liquid produced by young worker bees.

研究结果支持了工蜂调控蜜蜂性比的观点。The results supported viewpoint that honeybee sex ratio was determined by workers.

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接下来,让我们快速地查看一下公司里忙碌地工蜂们及他们的硬件。And let's have a quick look at our company's motley lineup of worker bees and their hardware.

大多数成熟工蜂的职责就是离巢采集花蜜。It is the job of the most mature worker bees to leave the hive to collect nectar from flowers.

结果显示不同饲料组合对小峰熊蜂工蜂群的发育影响很大。The results suggest that the worker colony development is significantly affected by different feeds.

而一个蜂巢的机体,则将工蜂、雄蜂、以及花粉和蜂窝组成了一个统一的整体。The organism of a hive yields integration for its community of worker bees, drones, pollen and brood.

半达的无名工蜂在前方侦察,核查能够安置蜂巢的树洞和墙洞。A half-dozen anonymous workers scout ahead to check possible hive locations in hollow trees or wall cavities.

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本来有很多的工蜂的,但是他们被派离基地了,因为宿主发现了一个新的矿源。Also more drones today, but they were sent out of the base, Has the overmind discovered a new mineral source?

蜂王的刺只用来螫另一只蜂王,而从不螫工蜂、雄蜂或人。A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee. She never uses it on workers, drones , or people.

工蜂、蜂王体内蛋白质的含量有波动现象,粗脂肪在工蜂、蜂王体内的含量及变化反映了蜂王的营养水平比工蜂高。The crude fat content and its changing trend show that the queen's nutritive level is higher than the worker's.