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你是指往西北边走吗?Do you mean to the northwest?

你得说在西北方向偏北太极端了!For you to say NNW is extreme!

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均来自西北大学。Bergmann, both from Northwestern.

他居住在太平洋西北地区。He resides in the Pacific Northwest.

在西西北,来自西西北,向西西北。In, from, or toward the west-northwest.

不列颠哥伦比亚的欧垦那根湖区领先着西北太平洋地区的冰酒生产Pacific Northwest in ice wine production

羌道治所今舟曲西北。Qiang Road Northwest Zhouqu this legacy.

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西北大学位于伊利诺伊州埃文斯敦。Northwestern University, in Evanston, Ill.

也有人说是从东南向西北移动。Some said it moved southeast to northwest.

风向盛行西北转南东。Southeast winds prevailing northwest turn.

吉首西北的新高速地图。Map of the new highway northwest of Jishou.

欢迎您到西北,卡斯凯迪亚包。Welcome to the Northwest and Cascadia Pack.

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而西北人喜欢面条。While people in the northwest like noodles.

向,朝,是,面向或在西北的。To, toward, of, facing, or in the northwest.

阳光公园在动物园的西北面。The Sunnyside Garden is northwest of the zoo.

西北边境人,生平姓名不详。North-West Frontier people, life of anonymity.

库马西加纳中南部一城市,位于阿克拉西北。A city of south-central Ghana northwest of Accra.

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目前,这两种技术在滇西北的普及率都很高。Both are very widespread in Northwest Yunnan now.

倚剑长歌一杯酒,浮云西北是神州。Long sword on a glass of wine, a Northwest china.

向西西北的,朝西西北的,西西北的,面对西西北的,在西西北的。To, toward, of, facing, or in the west-northwest.