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命运却嫉妒地隔断。But Fate so enviously debars

珠帘活动隔断。Bead curtain activity partition.

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你现在的生活方法与世隔断。You are awefully isolated how you live.

你被隔断于一个复纯而空无的大陆。You're isolated in avast, empty continent.

冬天这座小镇常因大雪与外界隔断联系。In winter the town is often cut off by snow.

谁能使我们与基督的爱隔断呢?Who will separate uo from the love of Christ?

隔断把餐厅分成了吸烟区和非吸烟区。Do you prefer the smoking or nonsmoking sector?

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隔断是为了分隔空间而产生的。Partition is for disjunctive space and of generation.

主屏体被若干伸缩缝隔断以消除热应力。A main screen self secluded hot stress by extend slits.

用于1540、1040和1030系列卫生间隔断的层压塑料。Plastic Laminate is used for 1540, 1040 and 1030 Series.

我们必须尊重中国的历史,决不能隔断历史。We must respect the history of China, must not cut off history.

两座雪山和三条河把这个地区与外界隔断了。The area is locked in by two snowy mountains and three big rivers.

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所以我们在大一居的过程中加了一个小的隔断厨房。We in the process of raising a freshman in a small village kitchen.

将首尔从中隔断的汉江出现大面积结冰。Large parts of the Han river that bisects the capital are frozen over.

灵活隔断的大空间办公空间形式。Office space, designed for large space with dismountable division wall.

基于你的设计风格和需求,可以选用玻璃、木头、织物制成的隔断。Depending on your design and needs use glass, wooden or fabric dividers.

然后他们要隔断美国与中国的直接贸易。Then the United States would be cut off from trading directly with China.

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淋浴隔断,更衣室隔间,以及小便器隔断选项表。Shower Dividers, Dressing Compartments, and Urinal Screens Selector Chart.

产品广泛用于家庭及高尚场所的门、窗、隔断等。The products are used in door , window , parting wall for family and public.

民用建筑的墙面、屋面、隔断、装修、围挡等。Civil construction of the walls, roof, partition, decoration, Weidang and so on.