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这是一个污秽的时期This was a nasty time.

在滴干成衣时期之前。Before the drip-dry era.

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晚唐五代时期。Late Tang & Five Dynasties.

哦,我也曾经有过这样一个时期。Oh, I’ve had this for ages.

危急的时期终于结束了。The critical period was over.

两地房地产都曾经历鼎盛时期They both had dramatic booms.

它是一生中春意正浓的时期。It is the deep spring of life.

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现在是严重的低密时期。Now that's a serious downturn.

您成为最好的时期之一。You’ve become one of the best.

先秦时期属广阳郡。Belong to the pre-Qin period-gun.

选举是在一个敏感时期进行的。It was a sensitive time to do it.

现在是谷物生长的关键时期。Now is the crucial time for corn.

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他已达到他写作生涯的全盛时期。He has nooned in his writing life.

今年我们的假期在同一时期。Our vacations coincided this year.

曾经有段时期我非常喜欢这种韵律。I was once very fond of this metre.

对我来说,晚上为最佳时期。In the evenings is the best for me.

这个老运动员的鼎盛时期结束了。The aging athlete's heyday is over.

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这是一个后使徒时期。This is in a post-apostolic period.

但是恐惧也会发生于成年时期。But a phobia can occur in adulthood.

但是这是库萨克的拮据时期。But these are lean times for Cusack.