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是什么科普读物吗?Is it a popular science reading?

汤姆喜欢读科普书。Tom likes to read science books.

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科普知识的传播是很必要的。Popular science is relevant to our life.

他向谭•科普塞阐释了自己的理念。He explains his philosophy to Tan Copsey.

科普书籍销得很好。Books on popular science are selling well.

别把博客变成一本科普书。Don't go for a usual all things tech blog.

科普英语的内容和表达不过于专业。The contents and expressions are less technical.

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“还有很多问题需要讨论,”赛宾•科普博士说。“There’s a lot more discussion, ” Dr. Kopp said.

阅读科普类书籍是值得的。It's worthwhile reading books on popular science.

多读一些科普书对儿童有好处。Reading more scientific books is good for children.

现在波希利语是唯一幸存的科普特方言。Now Bohairic is the only surviving dialect of Coptic.

博斯科普人曾与我们的智人祖先和平共处。The Boskops coexisted with our Homo sapiens forebears.

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小强爬行记?是什么科普读物吗?Cockroach Is Crawling? Is it a popular science reading?

目前非常需要科普读物。Books on popular science are in great demand at present.

每年有许多科普读物被印刷。A lot of popular science readings are printed every year.

公民有参与科普活动的权利。Citizens have the right to participate in PST activities.

我六年级时候的老师是科普卢斯夫人,她同时也是校长。In sixth grade my teacher was Mrs.Kuperus, the principal.

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汤姆十岁那年,南希向他展示了他平生之中的第一本科普读物。When he was ten, Nancy showed him his first science book.

我六年级时候的老师是科普卢斯夫人,她同时也是校长。In sixth grade my teacher was Mrs. Kuperus, the principal.

他生为阿拉伯人,而信仰科普特基督教,娶犹太人为妻。He is an Arab who is a Coptic Christian with a Jewish wife.