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同时还有极昼极夜景象并且有时能看到北极光。Also sometimes we ca powerful see the " North Pole light".

很快北国疆土就会被极夜的寒冷所吞没。Soon the northern lands will be locked in the cold of the polar night.

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由于它靠近北极圈,这里有极昼和极夜。As it situates near the Arctic Circle, there happens polar day and night.

它有一面一直是面向红矮星,因此处于永恒的白昼,而另一面则处于极夜状态。One side of the planet always faces its star and basks in perpetual daylight, while the other is in perpetual darkness.

这种差别使得卫星能够获取整年的海冰记录,除非出现云层遮蔽或极夜的月份。This difference allows the satellite to capture a year-round sea ice record, despite cloud cover and months of polar night.

他来自挪威北端,成长于夏日的极昼和冬季的极夜。Originally desending from the far north of Norway, he grew up with light nights in the summertime, and dark day in the winter.

居住在北极环境的因纽特人需要面对严寒、冰雪、极昼和极夜、生物生产力低等压力。Inuit people, living in Arctic areas, face extreme coldness, ice and snow, polar days or nights, low productivity and other living pressures.

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研究人员表示,驯鹿可以使用这种能力在北极冬季的极夜和春秋季节的微光中分辨食物和食肉动物。The researchers suggest they might use this power to pick out food and predators in the "white-out" of the Arctic winter and the twilight of the spring and autumn.

北欧地区由于地处北极圈四周,气候非常严寒,有些地方还会出现长达半年之久的“极夜”。Because boreal Europe area is located in near the Arctic circle, climate is very chilly, some places still can appear be as long as of half an year long " polar night ".

在北半球的秋分日那天,站在北极点上的人会看到太阳匆匆掠过地平线,这也预示着长达六个月的极夜的开始。On the Northern Hemisphere's autumnal equinox day, a person at the North Pole would see the sun skimming across the horizon, signaling the start of six months of darkness.

洛俪塔·夜包装盒由极夜光晕纹饰,极具水粉质感的镶金雪晶体为这款茴香色奁匣锦上添花。The Midnight Fragrance box is adorned in a halo of polar night hues. Watercolour snow crystals that are enhanced with gold beautifully crystallise this aniseed green case.

去年公布的一份研究报告显示,南极企鹅会在二月份离开筑巢地,依靠浮冰徒步向北进发,以避开南极冬天的极夜。A study published last year revealed how the penguins depart their nesting grounds in February and head north on foot and ice floes to flee the protracted darkness of the Antarctic winter.

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尅彬尼绿洲的环境与湖面,以及连绵的重山一起组成了一副立体的唯美画卷,同时也尽可能的完美展示了“极夜太阳”。Environs of the deserted village Khibiny offer unparalleled landscapes with picturesque lakes and scenic mountains. Its location also gives a prefect possibility to contemplate the “midnight sun.”

但随着冬季海冰边界不断向南撤退,喜欢在积冰上生活的企鹅也许最终会被困在极夜的黑幕中无法脱身。But as the annual winter sea ice boundary retreats farther south, pack ice penguins may ultimately find themselves trapped behind a curtain of polar night for which they have no hardwired strategy.