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我爱他有志气。I love him for his ambition.

可是人不能靠志气生活呀!But no one can live on pride!

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健康每况愈下使人志气衰退。Failing health dwindles ambition.

但是我们的志气可不小。ambitions were anything but small.

这声音多么有志气啊!This is how the voice of ambition ah!

有精神有志气就有希望!There has ambition has the spirit of hope!

“我们很穷,但是我们还有志气在,”她说。“We are poor, but we are good, ” she said.

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他的志气因追求吃喝玩乐而消磨殆尽。His spirit was vitiated by pleasure seeking.

丈夫志气薄,儿女安得知?Husband ambition thin, children learned that Ann?

可以说我是个有志气和喜欢笑的男生。I am a person who is ambitious and loves to laugh.

在座任何一位有志气的领导人都不希望要求得到援助。No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid.

我们党历来是有理想,有志气,不怕“鬼”的。Our Party has always been adhering to this tradition.

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真的,我们倒是很深刻的思想家,而且我们是有志气的人!Truly, we are deep thinkers, we are ambitious spirits!

不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.

优秀属于你,有志气的好孩子。Belong to you , the good child with an ambition outstandingly.

人品、学问,俱成于志气,无志气人,一事做不得。——申居郧。The character, knowledge, all in ambition, there is a gas, do not.

一帆风顺靠运气,鹏程万里靠志气。Everything is going smoothly. luck, have a bright future. by ambition.

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虽然我常常很没志气地羡慕著他人,但我还是有点骨气的。Though I often envy people without aspiration, I still have the spine.

你们做父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,恐怕他们失了志气。Fathers do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.

对于我们美国人,勤劳、节俭和志气都是积极的价值观。To Americans, industriousness, thrift and ambition are possitive values.