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一个一个地学,一曲一曲地学,日积月累,天长日久,定会成功。Learn day by day and then you will be successful.

天长日久,即形成踩鼓节的定俗。Namely, the formation of foot drum set custom section.

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天长日久,我便害了一种迷恋时髦服装的相思病。As time went by, a lovesickness of fashionable clothes came into me.

天长日久,锡矿挖完了,“有锡”便改成了“无锡”。As time passed by the tin mine ran out and "Youxi" was changed to "Wuxi".

总不能天长日久租住在别人的屋檐下,那是个仅有一张床的家。Can not in others toward the eaves of the rental, which is only a bed home.

天长日久,照妖镜变成了一个一汪碧波的池塘,山妖变成了一个像鬼脸的一个石头。Over time, a Wang Bibo magic mirror into a pond, mountain demon into a grimace like a stone.

我们家住的楼前总是有一堆垃圾,天长日久都发出了恶臭。Clear Away the Rubbish There is always a pile of smelly rubbish in front of the building we live.

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这些损伤虽然一次两次看不出来。但天长日久,危害不可忽视。Although these damage can not come out once a time two. But over time, the harm can not be ignored.

天长日久,画家们辛勤耕耘结出了累累硕果。街头乱涂乱画的没有了,脏乱差被美丽的艺术所取代,黑人。Day after day, the hard work of those painters breeds rich fruits. Dirty scrawlings on the streets.

研究人员还认定,天长日久,由ACE引起的高浓度应激激素会拖垮身体。Researchers also posit that high levels of stress hormones caused by ACEs can wear down the body over time.

天长日久,商务记者会形成自己的一套简明定义,随时用在新闻报道中。Over time, business reporters develop their own list of concise definitions they can plug into their stories.

天长日久,他发现每隔三百六十多天,四季就轮回一次,天时的长短就重复一遍。Constant, daily, he found more than 360 days every four seasons on the cycle of time, the length of day on repeat.

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因为更容易形成凝血,天长日久,形成动脉硬化使吸烟者心脏病发作的危险成倍增加。Smoking doubles the risk of heart attack by making blood clots form more easily and, in the longer term, by hardening the arteries.

如果你日复一日,天长日久地献身于一个问题,你的潜意识就不干其它事情,它就专门为你的问题工作。If you are deeply immersed and committed to a topic, day after day after day, your subconscious has nothing to do but work on your problem.

读你需要的书,读你喜欢的书,读圣贤之书,天长日久,滴水石穿,你的书卷之气会不请自来。Please read what you need, what you like and the books of saints. After a considerable period of time, constant dripping wears away the stone.

过多地沉湎于对往事的回忆,失落感越发加重,天长日久,性格也会随之变得孤僻。Too much to indulge in memories of past events, sense of loss more and more aggravated Over time, the character will follow to become withdrawn.

但是,天长日久,若钉住本断代史的一两个领域,不能上下串联,左右旁鹜,亦势必作茧自缚。However, the constant, daily, if the peg of the dating history of one or two areas, not up and down series, so distraction is also bound to cocoon.

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幸福有小大短长的区别,短小的幸福只要经常光临,天长日久,积年累月,自然会久长。Well-being of a small big difference between the short-long, short and well-being as long as the regular visit, Jinian after year, it will naturally Jiuchang.

不要因为寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,到最后你怎么办?Do not be lonely to love, time is of the devil, Over time, if you are a passionate people, if not love each other, that time will also have feelings, and finally how do you do?

天长日久,机油、汽油及其它浓缩物在PCV阀内部沉积成油泥胶体,造成PCV阀堵塞,从而提高了曲轴箱内部的气体压力。After a considerable period of time, oil, gas and other PCV valves in its internal deposition, PCV into clay colloid valve jam, thereby improving the crankcase internal gas pressure.