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我知道你花了很多心血在这事情上。Tell him I'm not in.

唐伯虎,不要枉费我们的一番心血。Ton Pak Fu, don't let us down.

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我已花了大量心血在这辆老爷车上。I gave much time to the old car.

这本书我花了很多心血。I worked very hard on this book.

他在工作上花了很多心血。He spent a lot of care on that work.

你的心血所来自的湖泊。Thy life-blood tracks its parent lake.

他费尽了心血研究这个问题。He has taken pains to study the problem.

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你知道这些是我花多大心血得来的。You know how hard i have worked for that.

这场汇演是里夫斯的心血结晶。The festival was the brainchild of Reeves.

你们在竞选中倾入心血。You poured your hearts into this campaign.

我把精力、时间和心血花在工作上。I expended energy,time,and care on my work.

还是下定决心费尽心血去改造她?Still determined to tail off to remake her?

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种那些花草要花费很多的心血,不值得。Gardening takes more bother than it's worth.

他付出一生的心血去帮助那些残疾人。He devoted his life to helping the disabled.

养成这种习性要花费你大量的心血,可那值得。That takes a lot of guts. But it’s worth it.

他把半生心血花在这本小说的写作上。He has spent half his life writing this novel.

妈妈用一生的心血护着你?That mom drained her life savings to defend you?

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你要是放弃,心血就会白费。Your efforts will go to waste if you give it up.

他们为教育孩子花费了大量钱财和心血。They went to great expense to educate their son.

写出了心血,却写不出愁思。Write the effort, but couldn't write a melancholy.