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你和受害者起过争执吗?Did you ague with the victim?

有时人们难免发生争执,对吧?Sometimes people argue, right?

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你们不过是小小地争执了一下。It was a small argument you had.

他们平息了争执,又和好如初了。They patched up their tiff again.

无心的快语可能引发争执。A careless word may kindle strife.

萨拉与女佣发生了争执。Sarah quarrels with the charwoman.

因此许多争执都是不得要领的。So many arguments are so pointless.

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他们就这样长时间争执不下。Thus for a long time they disputed.

我们不停地与对方争执。We just are at odds with each other.

谁都不肯妥协,我们只是争执。No one will compromise. We just argue.

他为那匹马的价格争执不已。He haggled over the price of the horse.

正争执间,章先生和素玲来了。Chapter is dispute between, and Mr Ling.

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马丁和她在那个问题上发生争执。Martin tangled with her over the question.

但许多争执永远也无法解决。But many arguments never to do get settled.

萧余二人过去曾在公共场合发生过争执。The two also quarreled publicly in the past.

他同妻子离了婚并为男孩而争执。He divorced his wife and battled over the boy.

他也开始接二连三地和艾奇逊院长发生争执。He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.

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于是你们两人你说一句,我说一句,争执不下。and then you go back and forth, back and forth.

圣像破坏者输掉了这场长达一世纪的争执。The iconoclasts had lost the century old debate.

划手间对怎么划船起了争执。There was a row among the oarsmen on how to row.