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义军被击溃,回波基地沦陷。The Rebels were routed and Echo Base was overrun.

“拯救义军。拯救梦想。”——索·格雷拉。"Save the Rebellion. Save the dream. " – Saw Gerrera.

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对逐渐壮大的义军同盟来说,阿克巴的知识是不可或缺的。Ackbar's knowledge made him indispensable to the growing Alliance.

然而在此之后,大多数夸润人不想与义军有所关联。Afterwards, however, most Quarren wanted nothing to do with Rebellion.

他们的计划取得了成功,云城最后被义军同盟解放。Their plan worked and the city was eventually liberated by the Alliance.

他和他整个由72架星际战机组成的飞行联队全都投靠了义军同盟。He and his entire wing of 72 starfighters defected to the Rebel Alliance.

经历了一系列恐怖的冒险后,塔什和扎克加入了义军同盟。After a series of creepy adventures, Tash and Zak joined the Rebel Alliance.

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1644年,一位农民起义领导人带领义军长驱直入攻占了北京。In 1644, a peasant rebel leader marched into the capital and captured Beijing.

最后,义军飞船突破其强大的舰桥护盾。Eventually, the Rebel ships were able to penetrate its powerful bridge shields.

它兴起于盛唐,经过中唐时期的发展,到了归义军时期发展成熟。It raised in flourishing period of Tang Dynasty, and matured in Guiyijun period.

贾巴的打手无法与绝地武士领导的顽强义军相匹敌。Jabba's enforcers were no match for a group of determined Rebels led by a Jedi Knight.

一些最初的敌对行为过去后,彻帕同意部落接纳义军成员。After some initial hostility, Chirpa agreed to include the Rebels as part of the tribe.

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很明显对美国的指责是不存在的,至少在义军一方是这样的。Denunciations of America are noticeably absent, at least on the rebel side of the line.

部署在回波基地的侠盗大队,是义军同盟雪地飞行艇部队的主力,由卢克·天行者领导。The main Alliance snowspeeder unit at Echo Base was Rogue Group, led by Luke Skywalker.

被拉进义军阵营后,卡瑞辛在许多同盟任务中帮忙。After being pulled into the Rebel fold, Calrissian helped on numerous Alliance missions.

克诺比的死加强了天行者投身义军同盟和原力的决心。Kenobi's death strengthened Skywalker's resolve to serve both the Rebellion and the Force.

在义军同盟成立早期,这个代号归贝尔·奥加纳的一名顶级侦察员所有。The code name for one of Bail Organa's top agents in the early days of the Rebel Alliance.

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一离开方多的干船坞,“执行者号”就摧毁了拉克廷兵站的义军基地。Once leaving dry-dock at Fondor, the Executor destroyed the Rebel outpost at Laakteen Depot.

多登纳将军和莱娅·奥加纳公主经常就公主本人在义军同盟内的作用问题发生争执。General Dodonna and Princess Leia Organa often disagreed about her role in the Rebel Alliance.

共和国、分离势力、帝国和义军的财产都被保管在戒备森严的金库里。Republic, Separatist, Imperial, and Rebel treasures were stored within well- protected vaults.