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套装包括消防船及橡皮艇!Set includes Fire Ship and dinghy!

他们用橡皮艇蓄积雨水。The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy.

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漂流所使用的舟艇有独木舟、皮船及橡皮艇。By the use of the boat drifting boats are canoe, kayak and inflatable.

我的职业是程序员,还是两个孩子的父亲,也算一个中等技能的橡皮艇漂流爱好者。I am a programmer by trade, a father of two, and a kayaker of intermediate skill.

消防处出动多部橡皮艇和一部直升机救出被洪水围困市民。Ru er boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.

他乘坐一艘橡皮艇从西拔牙的加纳丽群岛出发,把船上携带的食品锁了起来。He set forth from the Canaries in a rubber dinghy, with all food on board locked away.

类似前一种橡皮艇,这种艇在运输时也不需要拆下底板。Like dinghies , these boats have floors you don't have to remove when stowing the boat.

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我们逆风挣扎着,不时跌落在岩石上,然后使劲划着浆以便跟上橡皮艇。We struggled with headwinds, grounded on rocks, and paddled hard to keep up with the rafts.

来到现场时,朗德和我们的橡皮艇驾驶开始对那些鲸鱼吹口哨。When the Leonora arrives on the scene, Lund and our rib driver start whistling to the whales.

在高难度的橡皮艇漂流和编程中,从自己的错误中学习都是很有价值的,但也很痛苦。In advanced kayaking and programming, learning from your own mistakes is valuable but painful.

橡皮艇漂流者必须洞悉高难度急流中的危险之处,我在这点上完成了要求。Kayakers must intimately know the danger spots in advanced rapids, and I have done my homework.

他们驻扎在岸上,“弗拉基米尔”给了他们一艘带舷外马达的橡皮艇。They camped on the shore. "Vladimir" also gave them a rubber-hulled boat with an outboard motor.

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所有交通工具都无法通行,我们必须使用橡皮艇运送灾民和救济品。All vehicles can not pass, we have to use rubber boats to transport relief supplies to victims and.

Google就像是一艘超级航母,而我只是一个试图把它推到正确方向上的小橡皮艇。Google was a massive aircraft carrier, and I was just a small dinghy trying to push it a few degrees North.

当他听说他朋友在橡皮艇上出事的经过时,这位年轻人闪显出好笑的眼神。The young man's eyes glistened with amusement as he heard the story of his friend's accident in the dinghy.

在周末或者公共假期里,高棉人携家带口来到狭小而拥挤的海滩上,为能坐着橡皮艇在海上漂浮一下感到心满意足。At weekends and on public holidays, Khmer families crowd the compact beach and float contentedly on rubber tubes.

为满足游人惊险刺激的要求,开发了橡皮艇漂流项目。In order to meet the travelers' requirements for stimulation, they also developed the drifting with rubber boats.

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怀托摩鲁米诺萨探险公司会带领你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇,穿过地下河那踹急的水流。Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids1 on inner tyres.

公寓指导委员会成员迪什曼先生回忆说,居民们要求车库中留出放置橡皮艇的空间。They demanded space in the garage for their kayaks, recalls Mr. Dishman, who serves on the building's steering committee.

他们跳入湖中,把各种器具装上一只充气的橡皮艇,听任水流将他们带往对岸。They plunged into the lake, and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy, let the current carry them to the other side.