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还要求该恒定电流。Also calls the constant current.

当我保持压强恒定。If I keep the pressure constant.

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还有,它以一个恒定的速度移动。And, it moves at a constant speed.

对于恒定体积过程,第二项等于零。OK, for constant volume, this is zero.

当然在这里是保持恒定的。SV And this is, of course, with constant S V.

什么量是恒定的?有人有什么想法吗?If I'm the system, what's constant when I do this?

在恒定的温度下。State one goes to state two. Let's have constant T.

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单丝断裂恒定在一个较低的水平。The filament breaks will be constant on a low level.

恒定应力不能强健肌肉,它会杀死你。Constant stress does not build muscles, it kills you.

恒定速度,球轴承,无刷电机。Constant speed, ball bearing, brushless induction motor.

但是,大多数人进入一个恒定应力状态。Most people, however, go into a state ofconstant stress.

但是,大多数人进入一个恒定应力状态。Most people, however, go into a state of constant stress.

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试验中要保持熵恒定,是非常不方便的。Is never going to be the most convenient one experimental.

能保持恒定速度是物体的固有性质It's in the nature of things to go at a constant velocity.

我们不用特别指明,它是在恒定u下测量的。We don't have to specify that it's measured at constant u.

时尚决非是现存恒定的,而是总在生成变化。Fashion is not currently constant but always ever-changing.

例如,我可以即刻知道该恒定距离。For instance, I can instantly know the constant distance.

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肾小球滤过率也能保持恒定。The glomerular filtration rate remains relatively constant.

齿轮传动,功率大,寿命长,锯带线速恒定。Gear, power, longevity, a saw with constant linear velocity.

保持织机经纱张力的恒定是织机的一项关键技术。Keeping the steady warp tension of loom is a key for a loom.