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吏治的好坏,直接关系到国家的治乱兴衰。The quality of the management is directly related to the rise and fall of the nation.

研究兴衰治乱的轨迹,成长和发展的过程。Research rise and fall of governing revolution trajectory, growth and development process.

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在经过长期的治乱循环之后,人民最终以民主革命的形式推翻了君权专制制度。After a long cycle of turbulent history, the mass overthrew the monarchy in the democratic revolution.

两千年来世界在变,但中国却一直在治乱的怪圈中循环不已。Two thousand years the world is changing, but China has been in combat confusion about the cycle in the cycle.

香港现正处于安危治乱的转捩点,中央对此不能不察。Hong Kong is now at the watershed between stability and unrest. The central government cannot be too wary of that.

在这本书里,天文地理,风土人情,古今治乱都写到了。This book consist of astronomical geography, local conditions and social customs, the ancient and modern governed.

我们无法突破治乱循环的困境,未能自生出近代宪政的关键亦是集体行动的困境问题。The collective action's dilemma problem is also the cause key that he neoteric constitutionalism cannot be produced by itself.

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具体到史家身上,忧患意识主要表现为对于朝代、国家的兴亡盛衰的关注,以及对于社会治乱安稳、民生生存的终极关怀。As for historians, such awareness is a concern about the ups and downs of the court and the country and a care for the social stability and peoples living.

亚里士多德的治乱执政理论不仅对政治学研究具有重要的指导意义,而且对我们构建社会主义和谐社会也提供了很好的思想教益。Aristotle's revolution governance theory performs a directive function in both the research of political science and the construction of Chinese harmonious socialist society.

政治文化是政治的灵魂,它作用于政治体系的心理层面,对于整个政治体系的兴衰治乱产生至关重要的影响和作用。Political culture is the soul of politics. Acting on the psychological field, political culture plays an essential part in ups and downs, rise and fall of the political system.

但是,审计人员完成法定职责的同时,还应该在审计假设之外有所作为,以更积极的姿态参与会计信息的打假治乱。Nevertheless, in addition to fulfilling the legal obligations, auditors should participate in disclosing the distorted accounting information more actively beyond audit postulates.

先是后唐的“西京”,随后继为后晋、后汉、北汉的“国都”,这里的动静治乱直接影响到北国与中原。First, the Later Tang Dynasty, "Xi", and then for the following Hou Jin, Han, the North Han "countries", where the movement to combat confusion and a direct impact on the North and Central Plains.