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SPF级大鼠依然存在比较轻微的小灶性感染和非正常组织形态改变。There were small focus infection and abnormal tissue changes in SPF rats.

增强扫描显示病灶内多发性小灶状相对低密度区或呈环状强化。Multifocal small areas of low density or thin enhancing rim on enhanced scans.

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切面可见有扩张的小囊,肿瘤可见有小灶出血和坏死。On sectioning, they contain dilated small cysts, with foci of haemorrhage and necrosis.

目的探讨小灶性脑出血的临床特点、治疗和预后。Objective To study the clinical features, treatment and prognosis of focal cerebral hemorrhage.

射门有多种方式,有外脚背射门,有脚内侧射门,我给他开了一次小灶。In football you shoot several ways, with the outside of your foot, with the inside, and I gave him a small lesson.

结果18例中,5例呈小灶致密影,6例出现局部结构紊乱,7例显示为星芒征。Results Among 18 patients, 5 cases showed small focus of increased density, 6 cases had focal architecture distortion, 7 cases demonstrated star sign.

根据组织学坏死程度分组,小灶性坏死组平均摄取比为1.73,部分性坏死组摄取比为1.02,广泛性坏死组摄取比为0.68。The mean uptake ratio was 1.73 in the group with minimal necrosis, 1.02 in the group with partial necrosis and 0.68 in the group with extensive necrosis.

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组织学显示脑组织水肿,继发性小灶性出血,尼氏小体数目明显减少,乳酸和过氧化脂质明显增加。Edema, spot haemorrhage could be observed in brain tissues. Histologically nissl bodies in nervous cells decreased while lactate and LPO content increased significantly.

临床报道病灶多位于内囊、壳核、丘脑和桥脑等部位,呈小灶性高密度影。Reports of clinical lesions were located within the capsule, putamen, thalamus and brain and other parts of the bridge, showing special treatment for high-density shadow.

一种炉灶火焰控制器,是用在各种带有风机的小灶燃煤机上的电控装置。The utility model relates to a rang and stove flame controller, being the electric control device which is used on various coal burning machines of the small rang with a blower fan.

为方便外国学生生活,根据他们的不同饮食习惯,单独开设小灶,改造高标准的学生宿舍。In order to facilitate the overseas student to live, according to theirs different diet custom, alone opens the special mess hall, transforms the high standard the student's dormitory.

SCID鼠移植细胞3个月后用鼠抗人白蛋白抗体检测小鼠肝脏中的人白蛋白,可见有点状或小灶状表达。Dotted or small focal expressions were found in SCID mouse liver when detecting the human serum albumin with mouse anti-human albumin antibody after transplantation of the stem cells in 3 months.