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他咬了咬嘴唇,不置可否。He pursed his lips noncommittally.

我不置可否,终于明白他对我被炒鱿鱼为什么这么豁达。I fudged, finally realized that he was fired for me why so open-minded.

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发言人对这件事不置可否,含糊其词。The spokesman slurred over the matter without giving a straight answer.

塞缪儿不置可否的耸了耸肩。“我心口有个孔,”他指着自己的胸部说到。Samuel shrugs. “I got a hole in my heart,” he says touching finger to chest.

不过,家人又不置可否,学琛只得当起「吃醋外父」一职。But his family and fully fudged, learn as a "jealous had a post as the father."

哈利嘴里又塞满了面包,只好耸耸肩膀,不置可否地甩了一下脑袋。His mouth now full of bread, Harry shrugged and gave a noncommittal jerk of the head.

哑妹不置可否,问小红楼真的会接纳雪娃吗。Dumb sister asked not to say yes or no, the small red chamber will really accept it cheval.

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这一断言让癌症研究者颇为惊愕,并引发了一连串不置可否的报道。The assertions have dismayed cancer researchers, and have led to a rash of uncritical coverage.

嘉莉注意到汉生对这个提议不置可否。他似乎在想别的事。Carrie noticed that Hanson had said nothing to this. He seemed to be thinking of something else.

伯爵夫人衷心赞美了这些图案,但是对于女王应该选择哪一个却不置可否。The Countess dutifully admired the pictures, but offered no opinion as to which the Queen should choose.

对于众议院共和党人被指以党派划线投票的问题,众议院多数党党鞭凯文·麦卡锡不置可否。The House Republican charged with lining up party votes, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, is non-committal.

对于外界传的哪怕一个月成交一套房,也是有赚的说法,他也不置可否。For the outside world was even a suite month contract, and also earned a statement, he also noncommittal.

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同时,瑜伽大师们对于阿莫斯神父为何会有这番古怪言论表示不置可否。Top yoga practitioners, meanwhile, say they don't know what possessed Amorth to make such absurd statements.

我对他的问题不置可否,只是报以“专业”的陈词滥调,表示会“不惜一切地做得更好”。I shrugged off his question with a series of professional clichés about “doing whatever it takes to get better”.

朱序贵要求工作人员给他出具一份房产公司不予交房的证明,但工作人员不置可否。Zhu wrote to the staff of your request he not sought to produce evidence of a real estate company, but staff noncommittal.

兆良的罪行败露后,卓凯便开始计划回复一众卧底的警察身份,但卓凯的上司却对此事不置可否。Trillion good downfall, drache began to plan to reply a the undercover police identity, but drache boss was noncommittal on this matter.

里斯-琼斯从心里同情这位老板的悲伤,回答时不置可否,压下了告诉他这只是一次事故的冲动。Genuinely sympathetic to his employer's grief, he would reply neutrally, stifling his impulse to state that the crash was just an accident.

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这份最新滴对于中国间谍艺术滴讲演只不外是浩瀚卑劣地间谍情欲史上最近哒篇章…她滴声明一反以色列官方不置可否地论调,并且她有照片为证。This latest report on Chinese corporate espionage tactics is only the most recent installment in a long and sordid history of spies and sex.

但戴对所面临的风险却不置可否,他说因为有强有力的市场做后盾,而且这个决定是他发自心底的。But Dai is comfortable with the risk, because of the strength of the market, but also because it's a decision he says he made from his heart.

我敢说大多数人并不想做这些事情,但不置可否的是社会上存在着比这些更隐蔽的赚钱骗术。I’m sure that most of us wouldn’t dream of doing these kind of things, but of course there are even more subtly dishonest ways to make money.