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一束光从摆放的静物身上依次扫过。A beam of light sweep over each still life.

他还画戏曲人物画、裸女、瓶花静物等。He also drew Chinese opera figures, nudes and still lives.

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“那张静物,”她显然很兴奋,“记得吗?"That still life -" she was obviously very excited. "Do you remember?

七月份习画活动由郑可达老师指导。她会教导静物写生。Teacher Katy will be our teacher for July and will teach us still life drawing.

学习如何设置在这个自由录像艺术课为丙烯画静物。Learn how to set up a still life for acrylic painting in this free video art lesson.

描写一个静物时应着重勾勒出物体的外形、小、彩以及功能。In describing an object we can give an account of its shape, size, color and function.

因此,静物、商业产品和风光摄影师喜欢使用有角度的光线。Still-life, product, and landscape photographers use angular lighting for this reason.

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没有日复一日的静物写生,你就不能够学会绘画。You can not learn to paint without endlessly painting still lifes. Math is no different.

静物像这样,以朋友送的虫子海报为中心,总是不断发展。Still lifes like this, centered around a bug poster given by a friend, are always evolving.

你可以信任的朋友比一个静物能提供更好的安全保障。If you have friends you can trust, they'll prove to be better security than an inanimate object.

四幅大型画册静物,画于今年,希望它们已经干透了。These four large catalogue still lifes were painted this year-I hope the paint is completely dry.

有几张是风景,剩下这些是我在摄影室拍的静物写生。A few of them are landscapes, and the rest of them are still-life studies that I took in my studio.

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风景、静物、人物在左晋的绘画中浑为一体,似梦似幻,朦胧灵动。Scenery, still objects, and figures are integrated as a whole like a dream full of spiritual dynamism.

早期作品主要以静物为主,蔬菜草虫皆可入画,洋溢了温和真切人情味,质朴无华。Early works mainly in the main Still Life, vegetables , grass, Insects, with Modest real human touch, Rustic.

我们的专家在这里教你如何设置在这个自由录像艺术课为铅笔画静物。Our expert is here to teach you how to set up a still life for pencil drawings in this free video art lesson.

如何在水粉静物教学中注入新的活力,是教师应该经常考虑的问题。How to instill vitality in the teaching of gouache painting from nature is a question teachers should consider.

不久,因为无聊,我开始画书籍画册静物系列,直到现在。Soon after, out of boredom, I began to paint still lifes from books, and have continued in that manner until now.

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他的画面注重“思有别裁”,把风景、静物、人物融为一体,有一种朦胧之美。His paintings strive to be eye-openers incorporating scenery, still objects, figures and a beautiful flavor of vagueness.

我会选择在20世纪初的法国,与保罗塞尚一起画静物。I would like to find myself in the early 20th century France, sitting with Paul Cezanne, doing still life stuff with him.

即使面对着静物,像一个苹果或一个瓶子。当你突然发觉它的形状、轮廓或颜色中的美感,这也是很令人惊奇的。Even before a still life, like an apple or a bottle, it is surprising to suddenly discover a shape, a profile, or a color.