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那心灵安详而含蓄蕴藉。A mind at peace with all below.

他仿佛蕴藉的否认了那个事实。He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.

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他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。His play has endless charm, is implicit and poetry-rich.

他善于比喻,富于变化,含蓄蕴藉,生动活泼,是中国文学史上的语言大师。That is why he is regarded as a linguistic master in Chinese literary history.

这部看似简单的戏剧作品蕴藉了深刻的内涵,打动了在场的每位观众。This seemingly simple play contained profound meanings, which deeply moved every audience.

黄卫民的书法,秉承传统,追求古韵,蕴藉经典。Huang Weimin's calligraphy bases on the tradition, to seek the aroma and be full of classic.

同时,女性角色自身的脸谱化倾向也削弱了角色的蕴藉性。In addition, the stereotyping tendency of females themselves also weakens the implicitness of.

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它的审美特征就蕴藉在不同于日常和科学用语的话语体系中。Its aesthetic feature lies in the discourse system that differs from daily and scientific terms.

但你要留意,有些人的感情可能更蕴藉——他们接受不了这么直白的方式。Note that some people are not as forthright with their emotions – they just haven't adopted such an uncomplicated approach.

孟庆功同志的书法,运笔圆润流畅、浑厚蕴藉、大气磅礴。Comrade the Meng Qinggong calligraphy, wields the pen clearly smooth, vigorous reserved and refined, the atmosphere boundless.

真实伟大的朴实无华,真实智慧的虚怀若谷,和真实力量的温和蕴藉。Remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength. by Douglas MacArthur.

于词律开始纠正明代守律不严的弊病,于词体崇尚秾丽蕴藉。He started to correct the shortcomings of Cilv in the Ming Dynasty and was pursuing of the resplendent but restrained style of Ci.

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最后分析了为什么色彩词能够创造出精致澄静、婉妙蕴藉的意境。Why finally analyzed the color word to be able fine to create fine tranquil slightly contains there served and refined ideal condition.

模糊修辞是一种具有很高审美价值的言语活动,具有蕴藉美、形象美、朦胧美和情感美等再造性审美功能。Fuzzy rhetoric, a speech act of high aesthetic value, has its re-creative functions such as implicitness, imagery, obscurity, and emotions.

微型小说不等同于“小故事”,它要求作品的内涵要深藏隽永,对“意境”、“蕴藉”的追求成为其美学原则。Unlike a short story, it requires profound and meaningful connotations and to seeks artistic conception and embodiment is its aesthetic principle.

民间艺人在长期的艺术实践中形成了自己一整套的程式法则,制作出的朱仙镇木版年画蕴藉着丰富的民俗文化内涵。Fold artists have formed a model language in formulating the design through generations of practice, and the product contains rich folklore culture.

在一些域外小说家的影响下,他创造出了一种属于他自己的温婉细腻、含蓄蕴藉的叙事风格。Under the influence of writers of other domain, he creates a kind of narration style that is euphemistic, exquisite, reserved, refined and belong to himself.

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主啊,请赐予他谦逊,使他可以永远记住真实伟大的朴实无华,真实智慧的虚怀若谷,真实力量的温和蕴藉。Lord, I pray, Give him humility, so that he may always remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, and the meekness of true strength.

从此可以看出古人的巧思,也表现出中国古代性文化含蓄蕴藉、外藏内露的特点。From this drawings, people can appreciate the genius of ancient China, and understsand how the explicit and the implicit relate to each other in erotic Chinese art.

很多人仅针对沈从文作品中的上述因素指出他的反现代性,这不仅忽视了他作品背后所蕴藉的现代理性精神,更忽视了中国现代文学现代性的特质。Many people propose him against modernity only from above-mentioned factors in his works, and have ignored the modern rational spirit and characteristic in his works.