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故态复萌是抹大拉从良所生活的一部分。Relapse is a part of life at Magdalene.

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莫妮卡童年时爱吃饼干的习惯故态复萌。Monica's childhood cookie habit returns.

不过在7月24日这天,市场故态复萌。But on July 24th, the markets suffered a relapse.

他以「可怕的故态复萌」来形容这次事件。He described this latest incident as a "horrific relapse".

你现在工作的很好我希望你不会故态复萌。You re doing excellent work now I hope you wont backslide.

他酒戒了两三个星期,可是现在故态复萌。He kept off drink for a few weeks, but now he has relapsed.

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现在他停止吸毒了,但他可能故态复萌。He's stop take drug now, but he may revert to take them again.

这个队好了一年,上一场比赛中又故态复萌。After a good year the team reverted to type in their last game.

研究人们如何改变的专家已经发现人们是期待故态复萌的。Experts who study how people change have discovered that relapse is to be expected.

他有好几年没有酗洒了,但我担心最近他又故态复萌了。He kept away from strong drink for years, but recently I'm afraid he' begun to backslide.

相反,那些戒烟后故态复萌的人,压力水平基本上是不变。In contrast, stress levels were essentially unchanged among heart patients who went back to smoking.

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她本来在从良所工作,但故态复萌后,她选择去一家旅馆连锁店工作。She had been working at Magdalene, but after the relapse, she chose to go to work for a hotel chain.

例如,中国生产盗版影视产品的工厂被查封后,第二天又故态复萌。Plants that produce pirated media products, for example, "are shut down one day and re-open the next."

她是个故态复萌的异端分子,顽固不化,不可救药,完全不配享受咱们恩赐给他的仁慈。She is a relapsed heretic, obstinate incorrigible, and altogether unworthy of the mercy we have shown her.

因为史蒂文森不接受联邦资金,所以她或多或少可以自定规矩,故态复萌被看作是摆脱风尘的一部分。Stevens can more or less set the rules because she doesn't accept federal money, so relapse is viewed as part of recovery.

有几个故态复萌的例子,包括贝卡·史蒂文森咨询过的两个女人,重新在街头混,被谋杀了。And there have been a couple of stunning relapses, including two women Stevens counseled who left the program, went back to the streets and were murdered.

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渴望与故态复萌是成瘾的关键要素,我们已能利用不同方法,在饮糖的大鼠身上证明这些行为。Craving and relapse are critical components of addiction, and we have been able to demonstrate these behaviors in sugar-bingeing rats in a number of ways.

她不再往下想了,不由得脸红了,笑自己又故态复萌。接着她又更加认真、更加颓丧地回顾了已经发生的事,揣摩了可能发生和必定发生的事。She stopt to blush and laugh at her own relapse, and then resumed a more serious, more dispiriting cogitation upon what had been, and might be, and must be.

以色列人的历史明显告诉我们,人是何等容易忘记神的教导,并且很快地故态复萌,所以我们需要反复学习。The history of Israel illustrates how quickly we forget the lessons God teaches us and how soon we revert to our old patterns of behavior. We need repeated exposure.