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本饭店山珍海味,一应俱全。Our restaurant serves a feast of delicacies.

这几天我只能在梦中享受山珍海味了。The only feasting I do these days is in my dream.

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不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味。Eat not with an envious man, and desire not his meats.

在古代,皇帝可以天天享用山珍海味。In ancient times, an emperor could have delicacies everyday.

不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味。Do not eat with the wicked man or be greedy for his choice food.

那些山珍海味吃到最后,简直令人翻胃。Finally, all those delicacies from mountain and sea began to nauseate me.

啊,那些高楼大厦、华灯、香水、藏金收银的闺房还有摆满山珍海味的餐桌!Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables!

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他们一起享用了一桌满是山珍海味的盛宴。Together they enjoyed a rich feast of all the delicacies of mountain and sea.

桌上的菜也比以前丰顺多了,鸡鸭鱼肉、山珍海味都有。Table dishes are also much more than before Fengshun poultry and fish, have Delicacies.

似乎只有那些山珍海味才能体现他们对老师有多么的感激。It seems that only all sorts of delicacies can show how much they feel indebted to teachers.

冬至节,看着满桌的山珍海味却一点儿胃口也没有了。But on the Winter Solstice, he had no appetite for the whole table of nice dishes of every kind.

山珍海味调制而成的酱料,口味独特。黑胡椒蟹肉和蘑菇拌白葡萄酒、蕃茄和奶油。A fine sauce with smoked Salmon, chopped onions, white wine, crushed black pepper, tomato sauce and cream.

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海南是得天独厚的自然资源优势,盛产许多奇特罕见的山珍海味。Hainan is the agvant ageous natural resource superiority, is rich in many unusual rare delicacies of every kind.

其实太后只因山珍海味吃多了,一时肝火上升,双眼红肿,胃里不适,并没有大病。Actually queen because delicacies to eat many, a red rose, eyes, suffered stomach discomfort, and no serious illness.

酒家以鲍参翅肚、山珍海味,精心炮制处各种粤式美味珍肴。The restaurant takes advantage of abalones, shark's fins and some famous seafood to make various of delicious dishes.

我这里有山珍海味,你想吃什么就吃什么,不会有人来阻止你。There are a wealth of seafood and delicacies in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone stopping you.

其实食物只是供应我们身体的活力,粗茶淡饭就能活命,而粗茶淡饭在准备供应上比山珍海味来的容易。In fact, food just supplies us with energy. Simple diets can make us live and it is easy to offer them than gourment food.

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“三沙粿仔”吃之鲜嫩、香醇,集山珍海味于一丸之中,既可充饥又可品尝。"Three Sand Cake earners" to eat the fresh, mellow, set among the delicacies in a pill, can fill their stomachs can also enjoy.

相反,在她过世后,后人为她立了一个牌位,前面放了一桌的山珍海味作为她的贡品。In contrast, after her death, there is a memorial tablet set up for her, in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes.

自己做的鸡蛋汤真美味,因为是自己亲手做的,所以比任何山珍海味都好吃。Egg Tang Zhen delicious food that self prepares, a feast of fat things is all delicious than any as being that self composes with own hands.