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那是她真正的主业。That was her real, main job.

福顺集团是一家以房地产为主业的集团公司。FuShun group is mainly in the real estate industry.

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也许所有的提前实习主业是意见坏事。Perhaps all this pre-professionalism is a bad thing.

对于一家以在中国为主业的公司而言,他别无选择。For a company based in China, he sees just one option.

他的主业是经营宠物医院,但他同时还是一个兽医。His main career is running a pet hospital, but he is also a vet.

无业者可做主业。上班者可赚外快,一家男女老少都可生产。Those who work earn extra money, a young and old can be produced.

赛达航空是一家以航空代理为主业的小型企业。Saida is a small airline travel agency in Shantou, Guangdong, China.

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他的主业是商人,隶属于墨菲塔裁判大区。He is a tradesman and belongs to referee department of Molfetta, Bari.

诺基亚公司成立于1865年,曾以木材业、橡胶业为主业。Founded in 1865, Nokia was mainly involved into wood and rubber business.

集团公司以黄酒为主业,积极发展黄酒相关延伸产品。Majoring in yellow wine, the group is actively developing its relevant extended products.

我司是一家以陶瓷为主业,兼相关配套产品的实体公司。Division I with a ceramic-based industry, and related ancillary products of the company entities.

规划外的、非主业投资,则要进行严格监管。All investment of non-main business that are not included in the plan should be supervised strictly.

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中广核集团是以核电为主业的清洁能源集团。China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group is a clean energy group with nuclear power as its main business.

马云的主业还是教书,只能用课余时间打理翻译社。Ma Yun's main business is still teaching, can only use their spare time to take care of translation.

目前处于困境中地勘行业主业的出路何在呢?Where is the way out for the profession of geological exploration in the difficult position at present?

虽然承认自己有过明星梦,但她说自己的主业还是外贸。Although admit oneself had had star dream, but she says herself advocate course of study or foreign trade.

另外,路灯行业的多经企业也通过与主业的联系来获得相关利益。In addition, the multi-lamp industry, by the enterprises with the main contacts to obtain relevant interests.

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世茂集团,是一家以房地产开发为主业的企业集团。Shimao Group is an international corporate group mainly devoted itself in real estate and property development area.

索尼有一个影音制作的公司,但是这个公司的产品和索尼的主业——消费性电子产品与游戏毫无关系。Sony has a studio production arm which has nothing to do with its core businesses of consumer electronics and gaming.

而成霖集团目前产销主业仍然集中在卫浴洁具产品上,还远没有实现从卫浴洁具产品向家居产品的拓展。At present, GlobeUnion Group 's main principal work of production and sales has been paid on products of sanitary wares.