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好极了,象接到家书一样。Like a letter from home.

收到家书使他感到安慰。The letter from home comforted him.

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本期选刊第二、第三封家书。The second and the third letters are printed today.

也许你会说,爱人的一份家书或者一通电话。Letters and calls from loved ones, you might say, right?

天下父母之爱,其实都在一针一线、一封家书、一件小事之中。Parental love, in fact, in stitch, a letter, a small being.

新兵们在分队长的指挥下准备写一份家书。Under the command of the cadets in his commander to write a letter.

盼望藉著短短的家书与大家分享一下,小占2008的信心开拓之旅。It's my pleasure to share with you about my 2008 faith exploring trip.

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直到他的家书集出版,我才能更深一步地了解傅雷。I didn't understand Fu Lei better until his letter collection was published.

在考利阵亡后2天,他最后的家书到达了他在犹他州的家。Two days after Cawley’s death, his last letter arrived at his family’s home in Utah.

不过,“他又说,”还真别说,这本来也有可能是一封家书的。Although, " he went on, "come to think of it, it might just as well have been family.

她还说这封漂流瓶家书启发她去寻找更多有关爷爷的信息。But she says the discovery of his message has inspired her to find out more about him.

关于曾国藩的戏曲活动,曾国藩日记、家书等史料中多有记载。In Zeng Guofan's diary and letters, there are many records about his theatrical activities.

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盼望藉著短短的家书与大家分享一下,小占感恩2007年的恩典之旅及展望2008的奇妙之旅。It's my pleasure to share with you about my 2007 thanksgiving trip and 2008 wonderful trip.

中国古代家书不仅是亲属之间传情达意的私秘性文字,还真实记录了时代的变迁。Letters from home are not only writing among relatives, but also record vicissitudes of ages.

盼望藉著短短的家书与大家分享一下,小占入读神学后的一年生活的经历。It's my pleasure to share with you about my 1 year experience of full time studying of theology.

幽默大师林语堂以为这段家书,表达了中国人勤勉淳朴、崇尚简单的生活理想。For the satirist Lin Yutang this exemplified the Chinese ideals of frugality and industriousness.

武忠一郎听说许国杰在来的路上要写家书时给他安排了安静的地方。Wu Zhongyi lang heard Xu Guojie should write a letter to him on the way to arrange a quiet place.

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这位母亲读战场上寄来的家书是,感到浑身发冷,手也颤抖不停。The mother felt herself grow cold and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battlefield.

曾国藩家书从读书、做人、理家三大方面体现了曾氏家训思想。His thoughts can be summarized from three aspects, i. e. reading books, being a man, and managing household.

家书的审美自由普适性集中体现在其对人性美的歌颂与阐释。The letter home's aesthetic free universal reflected in praising and interpretation to universal human nature.