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医生正在为她号脉。The doctor was feeling her pulse.

这位医生在她的手腕上号脉。The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist.

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把手放在脉枕上,我给你号脉。Put your hand on the wrist cushion. I'll take your pulse.

号脉时,我感到他看我的目光中带有些许期待。As I touched the living Buddha's wrist I could feel his eyes gazing at me expectantly.

医生每天都来,号脉、看舌苔、不顾她悲伤的表情,和她开玩笑。The doctor came every day, felt her pulse, looked at her tongue, and made jokes, regardless of her dejected face.

针对小波变换法在提取线性调频信号脉内特征中的不足,提出了将时频重排和时频脊线相结合的时频联合分析方法。Some typical methods of extracting the in-pulse features of radar signal such as wavelet transformation and WVD were compared.

冷水冲构造蚀变带是与目前正在开采的龙水1号脉带同归一构造体系的“潜伏”脉带。This zone and No. 1 vein zone, which is under operation at the present time, are concealed vein zones of the same structural system.

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基于信号脉内调制信息识别技术对密集和复杂环境中辐射源的分选和识别的重要性。The in-pulse modulation feature is crucial for the classification and recognition of radiants in highly dense and complex environment.

针对当前电子对抗系统中的问题,提出了一种新的有效的雷达信号脉内调制特征提取方法。Aiming at the problem in electronic countermeasure, we put forward a scheme for feature extraction of intra-pulse modulated radar signals.

在玲珑金矿田地质特征基础上,详细研究分析了175号脉群地质特征。On the basis of the geological characteristics of Linglong gold field, the study on geological feature of 175th branch vein is made and analysed.

信号脉内特征提取技术是雷达对抗系统分选、识别截获信号的关键技术。Extracting of radar in-pulse characteristics is an important technology to sort and recognize intercept signal from the radar countermeasure systems.

以山东省平度地区旧店金矿3号脉的实例,说明该方法的实施过程和应用效果。With an example of vein 3 in Jiudian gold deposit, Pingdu, Shandong Province, the simpler procedures and better effects of this method are explained.

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深入分析了小波变换法提取信号脉内特征的基本原理,提出一种基于小波变换法提取的脉内特征自动判别信号调制类型的新方法。The wavelet transfer is analyzed deeply, and a new method for recognising radar emitter signal modulation type based on in-pulse characteristics is proposed.

从理论上得到了被测压力信号脉宽变化时,查准动态压力对照表的误差变化规律,经实验证明该规律是正确的。The variation regulation of error by consulting the dynamic pressure corresponding table is got theoretically. It has been testified that the regulation is right.

经过多年的生产实践证明,此种矿柱回采方案对东桐峪金矿8号脉矿柱的回采是适宜的,并且收到了较好的经济效益。A long-term practice has proved that the pillar extraction method is suitable not only for the recovery of orebody no. 8 in this mine but also achieves better economic effects.

介绍了通过数字中频技术提取雷达信号脉内特征,并根据脉内特征参数对雷达信号调制形式进行识别。The in-pulse features of radar signals are extracted by the digital IF technology, and the modulation forms of radar signals are identified according to the in-pulse feature parameters.

通过对栖霞市盘马金矿马家瑶金矿床1号脉形态、产状变化规律研究,提出了马家瑶金矿床由一条北西向的主矿脉和两条分别发育于主矿脉上、下盘的分支矿脉组成。Having studied Qixia City Panma Gold Mine Majiayao Gold Mine No. 1 vein, the shape and attitude variance law, we think that it is made up of a north-west main fault vein and two branched fault veins.