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花鼓表演成为流民觅食乞钱的手段之一。So, Flower-Drum performance became a main means using of finding food or begging money.

在交接仪式后,首届花鼓戏剧节也正式上演,为期三天。The first three-day flower-drum opera festival kicked off right after the handover ceremony.

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只要将花鼓轴心插入三个精密切削制成的开口之一,再用工作台夹钳锁紧即可。Just insert axle into one of the three precision-machined openings and tighten in a bench vise.

虽然我们不能判断这些就是翼城花鼓的起源,但这些和花鼓肯定有着千丝万缕的联系。Although we can not determine the origin of that Huagu Yicheng, but certainly these and Huagu inextricably linked.

如果说皮影系列是钱步辉的精神、心灵的回归,那么花鼓女系列则是他对母体的回归。If Shadowgraph series is the spirit of Buhui , the return of the soul, the Drum women series is the return of his mother.

举办方介绍,为丰富游客的靖港文化之旅、让独具地方特色的民间艺术得以延续和发展,靖港古镇拟每年举办一届花鼓戏剧节。According to the host, the festival will be carried out once a year in Jinggang to enrich the cultural tourism and promote the folk art here.

粗犷与妩媚,达观与细腻的审美观,自然地使花鼓狂欢作为乡村生活的一部分,并在现代涵化为民俗活动。Boorish, lovely or optimistic, minces are embodied in the Flower-Drum, and becomes a part of their lives, on the other hand as a folk-custom acculturation.

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花鼓也称花鼓戏,是一种多由男女二人对唱对舞的民间歌舞艺术形式,也有多人共同演出的。The colored drum dance, also called flower-drum opera, is a folk singing and dancing performance acted by a male and a female, or by many people in some places.

介绍了自行车上使用的花鼓式发电机的演变过程,分析了所用磁石,即铁氧体或钕铁硼的性能优劣,并进行了市场前景展望。Evolving process of hub dynamo which used in bicycle is presented. The performance of magnetite viz . ferrimagnetism or NdFeB is analyzed. The prospect of marketing is viewed.

本文主要是从音乐人类学的角度来分析海安花鼓在其变迁中的问题,结合解释学、现象学中一些哲学观点进行阐述。The author analyzes the questions and problems from Anthropology of Music perspective, and tries to explain them with the philosophical ideas from Hermeneutik and Phenomenology.

凤阳花鼓对外知名度高、影响力大,对外地游客具有很强的吸引力,每年都有很多游客欣赏凤阳花鼓表演。Fengyang drums performance is very famous and influential. Many visitors have been attracted by it to come here to watch the shows. The project is aimed at the market of other area.

淮河流域自古乃文化之乡,而水患、蝗灾、战乱导致的十年九荒,迫使人们身背花鼓流离失所。Huai River Basin has been a culture space since ancient times, however, people taking with Flower-Drum was moved from here to there by aridity that is flood, locust plague or truceless leads to.