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我们将发愤使今天成为您过得最愉快的母亲节。We will try to make this your best Mother"s Day ever."

欢乐是人们的双翼,哀愁是使人发愤的动力。Joy is like the people's wings make one fly, while sorrow drives one diligent.

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我们尽最大发愤确保文中和代码中没有过错。We make every effort to ensure that there are no errors in the text or in the code.

为自己的不足而自省,才会在挫折面前发愤努力。For my own shortcomings and introspection, will in the face of a setback to jealousy.

二十七岁,发愤著书,科学哲学无所终,故写小说,博大家一笑,没什么了不得。When 27, I resolved to write books inconsequence of no achievements in science and philosophy.

或者可以激动我骨肉之亲发愤,好救他们一些人。If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

“发愤著书”的发生是在愤怒的情感过滤、沉淀之后,可以说它的发生是在“平和”的情感基调上的审美创造。"Fen"was one of human emotions , which formed its emotion esthetics view and produced its psychological esthetics mechanism.

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有些青年人很想在事业上发愤上进,但为了细故,往往会于一夕之间,抛掉事业,而去迁就环境。Some young people to make progress in business, but for over, often in overnight, throwing business, and to indulge environment.

对学不会的人,我们不能轻视,如果他发愤精进,我们只是稍微停一下,同样会被他追过去。As for those learning more slowly, we cannot look down on them. As long as they keep at it, they can overtake us if we pause for a moment.

依我的资历和经验,我觉得我对所处置的每一个项目都很努力、负担、发愤。With my quingificines a particulard experience, I feel I feel hardworking, responsible a particulard diligent in a particulary project I undertake.

在未来的岁月里,我们的心魄将领导我们,使我们有可能洒脱地对待糊口中的成功与失败,并在成功与失败时做出更发愤的尽力,获得终极的光辉。In the years toe, using our heads but guided by our hearts, learning from past failures and successes alike, we shall apply ourselves towards an ultimate brilliant success.

新东方始终致力于发挥一种赌气蓬勃、发愤向上的精神,一种从尽看中义无回头看地寻找希看的精神。The New Oriental School strives with all its energy for constant improvement. It embodies a pioneer spirit, boldly looking forward, and pushellong ahead without looking back.

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司马迁提出“发愤说”与身受李陵之祸相关,这一价值评判体系虽然涉及到历史与现实两个方面,但关注的重点却是现实。Si Maqian's "doctrine of being deligent" was related to the disaster of Li Lin, this evaluation system is related to history and reality but the key concerned are the reality.

安德斯·阿斯兰德是美国彼得森国际经济研究所的一位俄罗斯题目专家。他说,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫在俄罗斯加入世贸题目上,平素格外发愤。Anders Aslund, a Russia expert with the Peterson Institute for International Economics, says Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is a forceful advocate of Russia's WTO accession.

其时,说话艺人和市井文人多受“谋生所迫”与“牟利之役”之役,因此,其创作原动力并非“发愤著书”之内驱,而是为物所使的外役力。At that time most of them were forced to make a living or make profit, so the drive for writing such stories were not "for the pursuit of writing books", but for the outer force of making profit.