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这一天,耶稣形单影只The day when Jesus stood alone

我在一个陌生的城市里形单影只。I was alone in an unfamiliar city.

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只是我死后我爱友会形单影只。Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.

莫瑞尔太太形单影只,但她对此已经习惯了。Mrs. Morel was alone, but she was used to it.

你形单影只地站在夜莺啼唱的时分!Thou standest alone, as the nightingale sings!

一位智者曾言道,我们最终都会是形单影只。As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone.

他的成绩开始下滑,讨厌团体活动,总是形单影只。His grades started dropping. He hated being in a group.

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我们说过一直在一起,最后却只剩我自己形单影只的过。We said we have been together, but only for myself extremely lonely too.

一份荷兰报纸拍到了总统形单影只地在雨中等待的照片。A Dutch newspaper photographed the president waiting forlornly in the rain.

我们形单影只,但既然我们在这里,你和你的尤文图斯就永远不会独行。We are alone, but as long as we are here, you and your Juventus will never walk alone.

杨国强画中人物形单影只,让人深感孤独,从而向往密集。The solitary figures in Yang's paintings make people feel lonely but yearn for denseness.

斯特文斯又开口说话了,“虽说他还是很喜欢别人的,他却一贯给人形单影只的印象。Although he could be very fond of people, he always gave one the impression of being detached.

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当形单影只地年夜象在夕照余辉中纵情游玩时,你地感受是什么?When the hordes of elephants enjoy playing in the afterglow of sunset, your feelings for that?

它们难以捉摸、形单影只、高贵,独立的生物总用自己的方式表达感情。They are subtle solitary, royal, and independent creatures that show affection on their own terms.

在这里,形单影只的北极熊聚集到一起,一同等待气温下降,冰面坚固。Here the relatively solitary bears come together and socialize waiting for the temperatures to drop and the ice to freeze.

在1948年的上半年,特蕾莎修女在接受了一些基本的医疗培训后就形单影只地走上了加尔各答的街头。In the first half of 1948, Teresa took a basic medical course before launching herself alone onto the streets of Calcutta.

不久之前,那些预测中国经济将走下坡路的人还是形单影只。Reporting from Beijing— Not long ago, those who predicted that China's economy was headed for a fall were in a lonely place.

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本场比赛,高雷雷依旧出现在中场的位置,但是由于和队友配合不多,他多少显得有些形单影只。This game, Gao Leilei still appear in the midfield position, but with teammates and the small number of his languishing a bit.

富人和名人会让他们的按钮整天按个不停,而形单影只的人只能靠想象体验那些美好的感觉。The rich and famous would get their buttons pushed all day long, while the lonely would fantasize about how great that would be.

徐家三姐妹里,最美最能干的她却至今形单影只,小s等家人十分焦急。Three Sisters Alex, the most capable of the most beautiful she has been languishing , S very small, and other family members anxiously.