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有一次海洋学家跟踪一些波浪。Oceanographers once tracked waves.

她是个如何伟大的海洋学家。How she was this great oceanographer.

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你在海洋学方面是个门外汉。You are a layman in the field of oceanology.

然而这并非中国唯一的海洋学勘测计划。Nor is this China’s only oceanographic enterprise.

在许多科学家眼中,卡尔·温斯迟是世界上顶级的海洋学家。To many scientists, Carl Wunsch is the world's top oceanographer.

您听到的是对乔治亚大学海洋学家曼迪•乔伊的采访。You are listening to University of Georgia oceanographer Mandy Joye.

尽管困难重重,雷西诺斯还是决心要学习海洋学。Despite the constraints, Recinos was determined to study oceanography.

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我喜欢怀念伟大的瑞典老海洋学家,奥图?贝得森。I like to remember the wonderful old Swedish oceanographer, Otto Petterson.

雷西诺斯解释道,事实上,“在整个中美洲没有一所大学把海洋学设置为一门主修学科。In fact, explains Recinos, “there’s no oceanography major in Central America.

通过研究制定有关海洋学家珊瑚组织剖面数据为基础编制。Formulated based on data compiled by oceanographers researching coral tissue profiles.

可是雷西诺斯还希望报效国家,让其他学生对海洋学产生兴趣。But Recinos also wanted to give back and get other students interested in oceanography.

俄勒冈州立大学的鲍勃Collier说,公平地说,数据阵列将彻底改变海洋学。OSU's Bob Collier says it's fair to say the data array will revolutionize oceanography.

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回到萨尔瓦多,雷西诺斯认识到海洋学就是她要从事的领域。When she returned to El Salvador, Recinos knew that oceanography was the field for her.

海洋学家利用同样的原理去勘探海底及其下面的地面。Oceanographers use the same principles to explore the ocean floor and the land under it.

海洋学家致力于将海洋发展成重要的资源并保护海洋免受人类活动的影响。Oceanographers work to develop the ocean as a resource and protect it from human impact.

我承认有非常深的海床地区,海洋学家称之为死亡地带。I'll admit there are very deep parts of the ocean floor that oceanographers call dead zones.

但马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学研究所的专家们说,这是不正确的。But experts at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts say this is incorrect.

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一名12年级的高中学生写了一篇申请大学的文章,描述她想要从事与海洋学相关的职业。A 12th-grader wrote a college admissions essay about wanting to pursue a career in oceanography.

林键是马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋学学会的地球物理学家,他对此表示同意。Marine geophysicist Jian Lin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts agrees.

当海洋学家们研究这些深海热泉时发现,那里有富饶的生命。The oceanographers, when they go and look at these hydrothermal vents, they're teeming with life.