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我有心悸。I have a palpitation.

你有心悸现象吗?Do you have any palpitations?

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如果你有心找你想要找的东西,那你肯定能找着,对不?!And if you look for something, you’ll find it.

她送一张有心形图案的生日卡给我。She sent me a birthday card with a heart on it.

我知道你的真诚,因为有心语传递。I know you are sincere, because the heart transfer.

如果你有心读它,我将寄上一份给你。I will send you a copy in case you care to read it.

你到底是心虚想老师袒护。还是有心耍我们班的人。Just look at what you've done! . You're away too far.

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在加利福尼亚州代表资格的问题上,麦戈文的竞选团队有心实施这个方案。The McGovern forces wanted to do that with California.

谢谢文璋和梦娜,你们真是有心了。Thank you Wen-Jang and Mong-Na. You are very thoughtful.

如果你有心去学习更多的知识,那就考吧。If you have the heart to learn more knowledge, just do it.

而几乎没有圆桌会议的参与者有心去驱散这层迷雾,事实是他们没有机会去这么做。Few of the men of the Round Table had much heart to dispel them.

那时我就知道,在礁石上的时候,她的确是有心要打我来着。I knew then that she really had wanted to hit me back on the rocks.

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如果你有心肖似我,我就会帮你,因为我知道我们是一样的。If you want to be like me I will help you, knowing that we are alike.

有心就有福,有愿就有力。With good intentions come blessings. With strong vows comes strength.

谨以此片献给所有心大志大的追梦人。This film is dedicated to all dream chasers with great minds and high aims.

他明显是个雏,我有心让他快乐,使出了浑身解数。He is a cheeper apparently, I make him purposely happy, exert all over skill.

人们有心要宽恕都怕它死性不改,再咬一口那可真的没命了。People are afraid of this untamed beast as one more bite from it will be fatal.

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如果政府真的有心踏上民主之路,首先得先爱它的国民。If the gov is really on the path toward democracy, just love their people first.

一瓶水,冰茶或是果汁会让你的客人觉得你特别有心。A bottle of water, iced tea or juice is a thoughtful extra for your house guests.

他们发现,在年轻运动员组和非运动员的老人组中,均未有心肌纤维化的症状出现。None of the younger athletes or the older nonathletes had fibrosis in their hearts.