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中国古建筑在色彩上斑斓纷呈,有的颜色对比强烈,有的素雅和谐。The ancient Chinese architecture is rich in color. Some contrast and some harmonize.

我从姿彩纷呈的根雕中,走进一个莽莽的艺术森林。Among root carvings in various postures, I seem to have walked in a vast forest of arts.

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凌来到了皇宫前,让他惊讶的是,其他人种出的植物五花八门,奇花异树纷呈。When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by all the other youths.

美国的成语多姿多彩,变化纷呈,而且不确定,体育方面的俚语更是如此。American idioms are colourful, varied, and erratic, the sports-based ones particularly so.

步入餐厅,情趣纷呈,醉人心脾,免费多多,满意多多。Into the restaurant, fun scene, magnificent Heart, free of charge a lot more satisfaction.

这种指称的多层面性使得“楚辞”研究领域呈现出众彩纷呈之局面。The multiple dimensions of this denotation in the fields of ChuCi research take on various shapes.

教育事业硕果纷呈,办学条件不断改善,教学质量日益提高。Colorful fruit of education, school conditions continue to improve, increasing the quality of teaching.

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数百年以来,苏州弹词唱腔以曲调璀璨,流派纷呈而享誉吴地。In hundreds of years , Suzhou Tanci was famous in Wu Territory for its diversity in tonality and genre.

在诗与真的互沟与时空交错中,杂然纷呈着美国黑人的血泪史、奋斗史和精神史。The African-American history of struggle and spirit is therefore composed for those "invisible "others".

古代汉语被动句式纷繁复杂、姿态纷呈,历来是汉语语法研究的一个重点。Ancient Chinese is rich in the passive sentence, which is always a emphasis in Chinese grammatical studies.

但是,目前高校人事代理学说纷呈,实践形式多样,人事代理关系非常混乱。But at the present, on it are there a variety of views, it is diversified in form, and it is in great disorder.

常熟是吴文化重要发祥地之一,人文蔚起,才俊辈出,流派纷呈。Changshu is one of the famous cradles of Wu Culture, where is celebrated for its culture and concentration of talents.

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但,夕阳西沉后傍晚来临前的这一段缝隙间的色彩却是最为美妙而纷呈的。But, the sun went down after the evening before the onset of a gap between the colour is the most beautiful and colorful.

关于鼠疫在近代早期西欧消退的原因,学界观点纷呈,众说不一。The history scholars still hold the quite different views on pestilence suddenly vanished in early modern Western Europe.

我们携手报道了2006-2007年两国互办国家年期间亮点纷呈的活动。We've been working hand in hand on reporting the bright course of events during National Years of China and Russia in 2006-2007.

面对竞争纷呈和消费需求的变化,企业只有也必须转换营销思路,才能异军突起。Facing the competitions and changes of the customers' demands, enterprises must convert their marketing thought so as to succeed.

“罗斯悖论”是道义逻辑中的第一个“悖论”,对此中外学者有过诸多研究,见解纷呈。Ross's paradox is the first "paradox" of deontic logic. There are many different remarks on it from Chinese and foreign scholars.

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本来平淡无奇的市民生活在城市自身的行走履历中,被演绎得五光十色而戏剧性纷呈。The originally dull citizen lives a life in the city's own walking curriculum vitae, Deduced so that multicoloured and dramaticism appears.

就算是溢彩纷呈的舞台上,观众不禁为之目眩神迷的明星事实上也没有如仙子般完美无瑕。Even the color scene over the stage, dazzling the audience can not help but it did not star in a matter of fact such as the perfect fairy-like.

世博外交是一项系统工程,活动密集,内容丰富,各具特色,亮点纷呈。The Expo diplomacy is a systematic program featured by intensive activities, rich content with distinctive characteristics and sparkling highlights.