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远处若隐若现的车流喧嚣。Distant traffic noises.

他大声吼叫,压过了街上喧嚣的噪声。He roared above the street noise.

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但这也许会招致一场喧嚣。However, it might cause a clamor.

诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。Such a talk created quite a stir.

在喧嚣中这是个小小的希望。It’s a small note of hope in the din.

我讨厌这城市的喧嚣熙攘。I hate the hustle and bustle of the city.

它的竞走比赛,谁可以出喧嚣谁?It's a foot race, who can out-hustle who?

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喧嚣一天过后,傍晚的包河静如图画。It is late afternoon now. After a busy day.

在昏暗的灯光下,整个剧院里一片喧嚣。The whole theatre roared in the dusky light.

无论你做何选择,喧嚣迟早都会平息。Either way, the rumpus will die down in time.

去散散步,远离城市的喧嚣和拥挤的交通。Go for a walk, away from the noise and traffic.

这样,才能将所有的喧嚣,踩在脚底。In such case, all hullabaloo will be under feet.

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在这些喧嚣中,数羊工程依旧继续。Through it all, the counting of sheep continued.

远离发狂的群众,灰尘,烟和喧嚣。Away from the madding crowd, dust , smoke and din.

车马行人的喧嚣声搅得他通宵不能入睡。The noise of traffic kept him awake all the night.

听到祢的声音隐隐穿过一切喧嚣To hear Thy voice through all the tumults stealing

绝不允许以喧嚣的西方音乐为基础。It must not be based on "uproarious Western music".

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街上的喧嚣声让我彻夜难眠。The noise of the street kept me awake in the night.

这喧嚣谁能躲得及,再一次,侵蚀你。This crowd who could hide and, once again, eat you.

会让你忘记喧嚣的车辆、噪音和污染。AYou forget all the traffic and noise and pollution.