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在研究范围内,30℃的水螅个体最小。Hydra got the minimum body size at 30℃.

具有细弱分支软水母亚目水螅体的一个属。Of, relating to, or characteristic of a hydroid.

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群体生活的种类,其水螅体直径1至3毫米。The type of group life, the Hydra diameter of 1-3 mm.

水螅是美丽的,但一丁点烦人的生物。Hydra are beautiful, but a wee bit annoying creatures.

铜、镉对水螅的急性和联合毒性作用。Toxicity and toxic effects of heavy metals cadmium and copper on Hydra sp.

近年来南京近郊很难采集到变形虫、草履虫、水螅等常见水生实验动物。In recent years, it is difficult to collect common aquatic experimental animals.

这两个纲的许多种类都有水母型和水螅型的世代交替。The two key link in many types of jellyfish are generational-type and Hydra type.

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在南极边的威德尔海,一只水螅水母伸展它的冷光触须。A hydromedusa spreads its luminescent tentacles in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica.

水螅样的胞块经活检证明是中分化腺癌。Note the polypoid mass which on biopsy proved to be a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.

冥卫一被发现于1978年,而另外两个卫星水螅和尼克斯,在2005年发现的。Charon was discovered in 1978, while two additional moons Hydra and Nix, were discovered in 2005.

大亚湾海域水螅水母类,其动物地理区划属印度-西太平洋区印-马亚区。The fauna of Hydromedusae in Daya Bay belong to Indo-Malayan Subregion of Indo-West-Pacific Region.

我们所熟知的珊瑚都是由群集的微小水螅分泌的分枝状碳酸钙外骨骼。The corals familiar to most of us are colonies of small polyps that build calcium carbonate branches.

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当灯塔水母生理发育成熟,它们能够逆转自己的老化过程,变回到水螅状态。After reaching sexual maturity, this jellyfish is able to reverse its aging process and become a polyp again.

这种再生能力通常可以在一些简单动物身上看到,例如水螅、一些腔肠动物或者扁体动物。Such regenerative powers are seen in a few simple animals, such as Hydra, some coelenterates, and flat worms.

水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫。A coelenterate, such AS a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.

石珊瑚的骨骼呈杯状,包住水螅体,其成分几乎纯为碳酸钙。Stony coral skeleton of a goblet, the body that surround the Hydra, its composition almost solely for calcium carbonate.

珊瑚礁是由历代以浮游生物为食的小水螅所遗留下来的碳酸钙沉积物而形成的。Coral reefs are formed by deposits of calcium carbonate left by successive generations of tiny polyps which feed off plankton.

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芽体一种无性再生结构,如酵母或水螅,包含有一个外部生长物,可以发育成一个新的个体。An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.

小瘤而且截形的这种的吻与寄主柳珊瑚的水螅体的颜色与形状相配而它的身体与柳珊瑚茎相配。The tubercles and truncated snout of this species match the color and shape of the polyps of the host gorgonian, while its body matches the gorgonian stem.

阿米巴虫,血细胞,叶绿体,水螅,草履虫,微生物和其他微观扭动和蠕动与迷人的运动特写意见一定要你洗手。Amoebae, blood cells, chloroplasts, hydra, paramecia, and other microscopic microorganisms wiggle and squirm with fascinating movement in closeup views sure to make you wash your hands.