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妈妈喃喃地说,带着对死人的敬意。Respect for the dead.

“你,”她喃喃地说。"You, " she muttered.

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他喃喃地说出了他的意见。He snuffled out his idea.

“对不起,”贾斯帕喃喃低语。“Sorry, ” Jasper muttered.

“求求你,上帝,”阿兰喃喃道,“保佑她平安。”“Please God,”Alan muttered.

“别理她,”她喃喃细语。“Ignore her, ” she murmured.

“是我,”哈里顿喃喃地说。It was me,' muttered Hareton.

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爱是我心中无尽的喃喃细语!Love is murmuring in my heart.

他喃喃地,听不清他说什么。He muttered something inaudible.

老人喃喃自语。The old man muttered to himself.

我喃喃细语,只愿你能听见。I wish you could hear the murmur.

疲惫不堪的牧师喃喃地念祷词。The weary priest droned a prayer.

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我不禁喃喃自语,果然是强大的基因。Great genes, I muttered to myself.

牧师喃喃地念赞美诗。The minister droned out the psalm.

“他们会杀了你们的,”他喃喃地说。"They will kill you, " he mutters.

从她的唇间发出痛苦的喃喃低语。A murmur of pain broke from her lips.

喃喃低语,些许伤感爱为何逝去。Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled.

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书记官在喃喃诵读起诉状。The clerk was gabbing over the indictment.

我听见神圣的死亡的喃喃低语。Whispers of heavenly death murmur'd I hear.

“有生命危险吗?”梅森先生喃喃地说。Is there immediate danger? murmured Mr. Mason.