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这是虚荣心!This is indolence.

并非因为胜利,而是因为虚荣心。Not victory, but vanity.

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她出于虚荣心而那样做。She did that out of vanity.

她挖苦的语言刺伤了他的虚荣心。Her sarcasm wounded his vanity.

苹果的产品可以满足虚荣心。Apple products have snob appeal.

我们的虚荣心是最坏的奉承者。Our own vanity is the worst flatterer.

永远不要带着面具去满足你的虚荣心。Never put on false masks to gratify vanity.

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是的,我承认我是一个虚荣心强的人。Yes, I admitted that I am a peacockish person.

他们坦率的谈话伤害了他的虚荣心。His vanity was hurt by their talking so frankly.

我的诗人的虚荣心,在你的容光中羞死。My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight.

人之所以不知足,就是有着太多的虚荣心。People are not satisfied with toom h, is vanity.

终于,一面满足你虚荣心的工具不再轻视你。Finally a vanity tool that doesn’t despise you!

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通常,人们的尖酸刻薄来自于虚荣心而非恶意。Usually we are more satirical from vanity than malice.

他利用这老妇人的虚荣心来获得他的支持。He played up to the old lady's vanity to get her support.

他们的虚荣心和其作为时尚领导者的地位,使其容易被吸引。Appeal to their vanity and status as ahead-of-the-curvers.

对你那女性的虚荣心,我根本不会助一臂之力,那是玩具娃娃。I wouldn't give a straw for you female ego-it's a rag doll.

我们往往会因为我们自己的虚荣心,而给弄迷了心窍。It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us.

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此外,忌妒、报复心和虚荣心也是痛苦的根源。Besides, envy, revenge and vanity are also the source of sorrow.

你告诉他他长的有多帅只会让他的虚荣心更严重。You'll only make his vanity worse if you tell him how handsome he is.

那个幽默传闻丿人类的仁慈和虚荣心有关。The humorous rumour has something to do with human humanity and vanity.