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纯种的边境牧羊犬。Pure-bred Border Collie.

美国-墨西哥边境为此关闭。U.S.-Mexico border closed.

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大批难民涌往边境。Refugees swarmed the border.

做边境贸易的边疆宾馆。Hotels do border trade frontier.

他要求用喷气飞机将他送到边境。He asked to be jetted to borders.

保护边境,捍卫国家!Protect border. Uphold the Nation.

军队不断地袭扰敌方的边境。The army harried the enemys border.

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他们毕竟在边境上探视过They were on the border looking in.

敌军对我边境地区进行袭击。Enemy troops raided our border areas.

边境餐馆的墨西哥塔可沙拉Okay. A taco salad from On The Border.

中印将举行新一轮的边境对话。New Sino-India border talks to be held.

边境的军事冲突比以前更加严重。The border is more militarised than ever.

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而且有更多的人在等待通过边境。Many more are waiting to cross the border.

双国曾在1962年爆发短暂边境战争。The two fought a brief border war in 1962.

他们闯过封锁线来到边境地区。They ran a blockade and got to the border.

阿勒泰靠近中苏边境。Altai lies close to the Sino-Soviet border.

冈萨洛一家第五次行动时成功穿越边境。Gonzalo's group succeeded on the fifth try.

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韩国将在朝韩边境举行最大规模军演。S. Korea starts massive drills near border.

这个缅甸的边境城市到处都是黑帮。This is a gang-plagued Burmese border city.

我希望跨越边境,与同伙相见握手。I hope to see my friend- and shake his hand.