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它也应该通过“哼唱问询”测试。It should also pass the humming-query test.

您想了解他们问询的那种竹篮吗?Do you want to know about that kind of basket?

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初步问询之后,我请求做一个简短的陈述。After the preliminaries, I asked to make a brief statement.

对于每台克令吊都要做重载问询功能试验。Heavy Load "Star Request" Function Test for each deck crane.

协助客人各种与酒店相关或无关的问询。Assist guests with all inquiries, both hotel non-hotel related.

晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。The detention center and local police in Puning did not answer questions.

因为其在政界的丰富经历,经常会被问询意见建议。But he is often asked for advice because of his or her long experience in politics.

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目前驻扎在阿富汗巴斯营地和坎大哈的英军是调查问询的主要对象。The inquiry is focusing on service personnel at airports in Camp Bastion and Kandahar.

在五月份发生了这两起事件后,两位巴士司机都被最后警告和问询。The two drivers were given a final warning and counselling after two incidents in May.

论文作者还建议医生问询一下这种怪疮患者有那些癖好。And doctors, the authors write, should ask patients with strange lesions about their hobbies.

上海有两个机场,浦东机场的航班问询电话是38484500,虹桥机场的问询电话是62688918。There are two airports in Shanghai. Please dial 38484500 for flight information at Pudong Airport.

晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。The detention center and local police in Puning did not buy Warhammer Online Gold answer questions.

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据列维将,谷歌正在研发一种可以预测用户提问的“零问询搜索”。He says they are working on something called zero query search, which will anticipate user questions.

您在2007年9月15日曾向我们问询过竹篮,那时我曾寄过产品目录给您。You inquired about our bamboo baskets on September 15, 2007. I sent you a product catalog at that time.

他希望能在2011年雇些人--但是只有在这些问询变成确实的订单后才会这样做。He hopes to hire in 2011 — but that will happen only if he can convert those inquiries into hard orders.

之后,李家耀心中无时无刻不在思念着那条红獒,每天打电话问询,生怕被别人买走。After Li Jia-yao always miss that red Tibetan mastiff, called daily asked, worried that bought by others.

同时这些青少年还要接受和磁共振扫描,且还要问询其对这些歌曲的喜爱程度。The adolescents underwent MRI scans while listening and were also asked to rate the songs for likability.

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控方律师分别问询了一些不同专家的发现,主张原证据有效。Prosecutors have questioned some of the independent experts' findings, and maintain the evidence should stand.

该委员会主席共和党议员彼得·金说,穆斯林不应该因为被问询而感到受到了威胁。The committee's chair Republican congressman Peter King says Muslims shouldn't feel threatened by the inquiry.

如果他们所做的事正大光明,我们也就没必要通过问询议会,才能了解真相了。If they are proud of what they are doing, why do we need to ask Parliamentary questions for this to come to light?