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老族长眼一黑差点栽倒。Old clan long eye a black almost fall down.

穿新鞋时一头栽倒了?Falling head over heels with your new shoes?

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我失去了平衡,朝后栽倒在地板上。I lost my balance and toppled backward to the floor.

一头栽倒在水中后,他感觉到脉搏加快。Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken.

黑色盔甲者惨叫一声,歪歪斜斜地栽倒在地上。The black guy pitifully yells and crookedly plants on the ground.

雅各布正说着,卡梅隆却一头栽倒在地。Cameron ran hard to tackle him, hitting Jacob in the legs—with his head.

你下班回家,你可能可能喜欢栽倒在沙发里。When you get home from work, you probably feel like slumping on the sofa.

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时间不长,他们在我的肚子上和肋下狠狠来了几下,我栽倒在地。It didn’t take long. They put some good ones in my gut and ribs and I dropped.

同时,他自己却一拳回冲力的影响,踉跄地倒退回来,几乎栽倒。And, from the impact of the blow, Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell.

他眼发直、心发慌、双腿颤抖,最后,一头栽倒在地上。His eyes staring, his mind reeling, his legs trembling, he at last toppled over.

有时底下的乌龟突然会动起来,上面的那个就一头栽倒了。Sometimes the turtle on the bottom would suddenly move, and the turtle on top would fall right down.

由于骑得太快,摩托车一头栽倒,被抢的包也被甩到了一旁。In order to riding too quickly, the motorcycle a head of falls down and rob of wrap is also jilted one side.

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走到九点钟,他在一块岩石上绊了一下,因为极端疲倦和衰弱,他摇晃了一下就栽倒了。At nine o'clock he stubbed his toe on a rocky ledge, and from sheer weariness and weakness staggered and fell.

我爬了起来,捡起那只鞋子,一瘸一拐地走到我家前门,拿出钥匙开了门,然后就一头栽倒在了门厅里。I stood up, collected the shoe and limped to my front door, put the key in the lock and fell into the hallway.

他跑得精疲力尽,一回到兔子洞,就一头栽倒在柔软的沙土地板上,闭上了双眼。He was so tired that he flopped down upon the nice soft sand on the floor of the rabbit-hole, and shut his eyes.

上一任总统布什在其第一任期结束时曾栽倒在这个问题上,他当时声称自己没有任何过错。Bush had famously been stumped by the same question at the end of his first term, saying he could not think of any.

跳绳那天,我穿了双牛仔靴去上学,跳绳时又笨得连靴子都没有脱,结果鞋跟挂住了绳子,我一下翻过去,栽倒在地,只听喀嚓一声,腿折了。Like a fool, I didn’t take the boots off to jump. My heel caught on the rope, I turned, fell, and heard my leg snap.

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一次打比赛,在进第三垒时,我的防滑钉被卡住了,身体朝前栽倒,脚腕却扭向右后方。During a game, while sliding into third base my cleat caught and pulled my foot to the right and backward as my body fell forward.

他栽倒在泥泞中,脖子上伤口形成贯穿伤,因为贯穿出口位于气管区上方,加之气管断裂。He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea.

他脸朝下地栽倒在床上,自语着,我至少该先把硬币送个小孩,小孩可能会用一分钱买任何数目的东西。He fell face down upon the bed, saying I ought first at leastto give the coin to some child. A child could buy any number of things with apenny.