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他的精力渐渐衰颓。His strength is waning.

年岁使他衰颓。His years weigh him down.

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他的胸脯上下起伏,身子也好象衰颓了。His chest heaved and his body seemed to droop.

一个关键问题是,这场强者的衰颓是一个周期还是一场巨变。One central issue is whether the fall of the mighty is a cycle or a sea change.

我并不希望它衰颓,也无意降低任何人的信仰。I do not desire to see it diminished, nor would I endeavor to lessen it in any man.

晚年的悼友诗贵隐括,带着一层衰颓的色彩。In his late years, his poetry of mourning for friends were blurry with waning color.

上世纪50年代,随着大制片厂的衰颓,“剥削片”大行其道。Exploitation films flourished in the 1950s as production declined at the major studios.

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还有其它的理由和原因助长了目前的衰颓状况嘛?Are there more contributing reasons and causes for the current decrepit state of things?

爱伦∙坡从小体验到疾病、衰颓和死亡的恐怖,这种感觉一生与他紧紧相随。The immediacy of the child’s horror of sickness, decay, and death would never leave him.

最初欧洲经济比较衰颓,但在马歇尔计划的帮助下,经过近十年的发展便得以恢复。Europe was initially exhausted but, with the help of the Marshall Plan, back on its feet within a decade.

传统的垃圾回收利用方法也因为美国20世纪大部分时代的经济暴涨而在衰颓。Traditional forms of recycling also diminished with the explosive growth in America's economy throughout most of the 20th century.

但这些政策已不适应近代化的历史潮流,也就无法挽救清朝衰颓的大趋势。However, these policies were inept to the main stream of the modern history, and could not save the old empire from its doom of collapse.

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她剃掉了头发去触摸角色,这是一个清朝的潦倒文人,他的痛苦生活映射着整个衰颓的旧社会。She shaved her head to get into character for the destitute scholar in the Qing Dynasty whose bitter life mirrors the decadent old society.

蓝白军团现在在积分榜上衰颓到12位,他们现在唯一进军欧洲赛场的希望是通过意大利杯。The Biancocelesti are languishing in 12th position in the league, with their only hope of qualifying for Europe coming via the Coppa Italia.

他们鼓吹力的哲学和英雄崇拜来振奋衰颓的民气,企望在新的战国时代通过一场自救的民族战争来达成民族复兴。They strive to Strong Power philosophy to stimulate people's weak spirit and hope to revive the nation through a national self-saving war in the new Era of Warring States.

形成这一诗学体系的原因,在于其面对政治的危机及学术的衰颓所产生的强烈的史官意识及经世致用的实学思想。The reason for the forming of his poetics system lies in that his consciousness of responsibility as historiographer and emphasis on the practical knowledge of managing state affairs.

事实上,故宫乃是中国历史过去走向衰颓的隐寓,鸟巢乃是中国历史现在日渐富强的隐喻。Actually, the Forbidden City is a fable telling that the history of China was going to decay in the past, and the Bird's Nest is telling that the history is getting stronger at present.

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首段为引言,尝试就学术发展的观点,指出从传统经学衰颓到建立新哲学之间,可能有的思想脉络。This article points out from "tradition Jingxue of falling off" to the of "lately philosophic creation" from the standpoint of the academic development, the thought grain that may contain.

近些年来世界热议美国难避衰颓,而现在所有的目光移出了东京、北京、布鲁塞尔或莫斯科——也没有其它哪个国家觊觎世界桂冠。For all the talk in recent years about America's inevitable decline, all eyes are not now on Tokyo, Beijing, Brussels or Moscow — nor on any other pretenders to the world heavyweight crown.