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伊斯兰教的可兰经。That is it's the Qur'an for Islam.

圣经和可兰经都是宗教性著作。SACRED】The Bible and Koran are sacred writings.

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摩西五书、圣经和可兰经都是圣书。The Torah, the Bible, and the Qur'an are all holy books.

难道是因为朗诵可兰经诗篇时有音乐伴奏吗?Was it because of the Quranic verses read in melodic background?

可兰经如何辨别游击队员和恐怖分子?How does the Qur'an distinguish between guerillas and terrorists?

当然,在这个画廊内还有用雅致的书法撰写的可兰经文本。And there are, of course, Koranic manuscripts with refined calligraphy.

政府官员称焚烧可兰经的想法是违背美国精神的。Administration officials called the idea of burning Qurans "un-American."

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换个说法,为什么说是圣经而非可兰经才是来自上帝言语的启示?Or that the Bible rather than the Koran is the revelation of God’s own words?

塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所可兰经学校发生火灾,造成9名儿童死亡。A fire has killed nine children at a Koranic school in the Senegalese capital Dakar.

所有穆斯林都认为是上帝书写了可兰经,而且天堂上还放着一本可兰经。All Muslims believe that God authored the Koran and a copy of the Koran isin heaven.

琼斯后来还是烧毁了可兰经而且把过程登录在其教会网站。Jones eventually did burn the Quran March 20 and posted video on his church’s website.

一名男子声称北约战机轰炸了一座清真寺,并展示了一部可兰经上的玻璃碎片。One man claimed NATO warplanes bombed a mosque, showing shards of glass on top of a Quran.

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琼斯先生将在周六的晚上6点到9点在一堆篝火中烧毁可兰经复本。Mr. Jones plans to burn the Quran copies in a bonfire Saturday evening between 6 and 9 p.m.

一个穆斯林朝圣者在一年一度的朝觐读取11月11日,2010年摩铝努尔可兰经。A Muslim pilgrim reads the Koran at Mount Al-Noor during the annual Hajj on November 11, 2010.

加百列被可兰经描绘为一种精神,但先知有时候能够看到或听到他。Gabriel is represented by the Qur'an as a spirit, but the Prophet could sometimes see and hear him.

还有可兰经是伊斯兰教的圣典,就好像圣经之于基督教,佛经之于佛教一样。And the Koran is the scripture of Islamite, just like Christianism with Bible or Buddhism with Sutra.

在1994年时我还听说有人因为诵读可兰经被逮捕。Apparently some people were arrested in1994 for reciting the Qu'ran and I have heard of other incidents.

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带有几何形状装饰物和刻有可兰经的物品很明显是面向伊斯兰市场。Objects bearing geometric decorations and Koranic inscriptions were clearly aimed at the Islamic market.

它的战斗员如今把自己称为宗教勇士,它把可兰经经文加入其宣传。Its fighters now style themselves as religious warriors, and its propaganda is laced with Koranic verses.

人们经常看到工资低廉的保卫人员打瞌睡或诵读可兰经,或者非常无聊,不能集中精力。Poorly-paid guards are often seen snoozing or reading from the Quran or simply too bored to pay attention.