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哈山,兔唇的哈山,追风筝的孩子。Hassan the harelipped kite runner.

去吧!去做一名追风的少年。Go! To be a youth who runs after the wind.

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去做一名追风的少年。Is the youth who expels wind from the body.

我听见脚步声,叫喊声,一群追风筝的人正闹哄哄向这边跑来。I hear clop-clop, cry, a group of Kite Runner is running noisily to the side.

捧一把安逸,胜过两把劳苦和追风。Better is a handful with rest, than both hands full with labour, and vexation of mind.

过敏试验表明,海马追风膏对豚鼠皮肤无致敏性。The dermal allergy test showed that it didn't induce allergic reaction in guinea pigs.

目的建立HPLC测定蛇胆追风丸中芍药苷含量的方法。Objective To establish a method of measuring paeoniflorin in Shedan Zhuifeng pills by HPLC.

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2010年12月,Zuckerberg访问中国,也带来了媒体的追风报道。In December 2010, Zuckerberg visited China, which obviously received a lot of media coverage.

现在,距离追风季节结束只有5个星期了,旋风2号团队渴望在剩下的时间里有所斩获。Now, with a mere five weeks left before the storm-chasing season ends, the VORTEX2 team is anxious to head out.

追风少年并没有得到上场的机会,但摄像头记录了他的此次经历。The youngster did not get a chance to play during the tournament but recorded his experience on a video camera.

欧文的第三个进球,他追风一般的进球给浪费了最后机会的沃尔夫斯堡仅仅添上了更加显著的注脚。Owen's third, when he streaked through after Wolfsburg had wasted their final chance, merely added a notable footnote.

龙头风逼近南达科塔时,一名追风人拿着相机拉开了架势,他的同伴上了车。One tornado chaser with a camera poses while his partner gets into their truck as a tornado approaches in South Dakota.

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但他追风远胜于引领,至少在公众关注什么上是这样的,正像网络和手机。But it plays catch up more often than it leads, at least when it comes to the things people care about now, like the web and mobile.

古今中外,这样的例子不胜枚举,只说说同学们非常熟悉和崇拜的追风少年、跨栏英雄刘翔吧。All times and in all such examples, only talk about the students are very familiar with and worship Zhuifeng juvenile, hurdling hero Liu Xiang it.

每当满天风筝消失得只剩下最后两只,每个追风筝的人都厉兵秣马,准备摘取此项大奖。Vanish whenever the sky flying there are only two, each of The Kite Runner is making determined efforts of the people are ready to win this award.

街头巷尾满是凯旋而归的追风筝者,他们高举追到的战利品,拿着它们在亲朋好友面前炫耀。Up and down the streets, kite runners were returning triumphantly, their captured kites held high. They showed them off to their parents, their friends.

在与学生交流中,我总是反复强调,要将基础技能与实际应用紧密结合起来,千万不要追风,赶时髦,艺术永远承认好的。When I was talking to students, I insist that basic skill and practical technique should be combined. Art would accept only the good ones, but not smart.

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其中,虎骨的药用价值最高,是著名中药,有追风镇痛、舒筋健骨的奇特疗效。Of these, tiger bones of the medicinal value of the highest, is a famous traditional Chinese medicine, Zhuifeng analgesia, Shujin the peculiar effect of bone.

追风的男孩和风一样,穿越在管道和建筑中,他们在光影和激情中追逐着风一样的时光。The boy who chases the wind is the same as the wind, passing through pipesand structures. They are chasing the wind-like time in the lights and shadowswith passion.