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这个故事的道德是,“不要无事生非。”The moral to this story is, "Don't make much ado about nothing."

外局人或认为我们小题大做、无事生非。To an outsider, they may say that we are much ado about nothing.

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整个争议完全是无事生非。The whole controversy is far too much ado about absolutely nothing.

梅西是个举止得体的人。这纯属媒体和某些人无事生非。Messi is a very decent person. That is themedia and people making something out of nothing.

荒谬的言论。现在是中国人在无事生非,以扩大他们在亚洲和太平洋的势力。Ridiculous comment. It is the Chinese who are rocking the boat and expand in Asia and the Pacific.

一个男人习惯了一个女人的任性、撒娇,甚至无理取闹、无事生非,这就是爱!A man is being used to a woman' s self-will, coquetry, even making trouble out of nothing, that is love.

女性普遍会感到不想”无事生非',但是你们必须照顾自己。Among women, it's a common feeling not to want to "rock the boat, " but you have to take care of yourself.

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这种毫不妥协的态度并非无事生非,而是作为一种反_共_产主义的手段,拒绝遵循“红色中国”订下的规矩。Their intransigence was not simply due, as is commonly assumed, to an anti-communist refusal to play by “Red China’s” rules.

懒散的侍者、无事生非的警察、横冲直撞的溜狗人、织毛衣的老太太等等,熙熙攘攘地拥挤在一起。It swarmed with lounging waiters, officious policemen, dog-walkers pulled to right and left of the path, old ladies knitting.

他逐渐地待我没有从前那么殷勤了,摆出了老板的面孔,常常吹毛求疵,无事生非,好像准备爆发的样子。He grew by degrees less civil, put on more of the master, frequently found fault, was captious, and seem'd ready for an outbreaking.

除非‘欧洲’无事生非地以不折不扣的基督教阵营自诩,那么土耳其的欧盟成员国资格和它所信奉的伊斯兰教就不会水火不容。There is no obvious reason why Islam should be incompatible with EU membership—unless the question is begged by defining "Europe" as inherently Christian.

不料,这一次猪乖极了,吃完食立即就回猪圈,我的计划落空了,手又痒痒的很,我无事生非的朝猪抽过去。Unexpectedly, this time a very good pig, eating fresh immediately on the back sty, and I plan to come, and tickle the very hand, I much of the pig pumping past.