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我很好,只是有些意兴阑珊。I'm fine, just a little down.

其次,许多应用和服务给人的感觉有些虚张声势,令人意兴阑珊。Applications and services feel bloated and uninspiring.

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另一方面,金香对经营米铺意兴阑珊。On the other hand, the incense to operate MiPu exclusively.

一个寂静的下午,天气热的让所有的人都意兴阑珊。In a quiet afternoon, the hotness made all people looked wan.

对某人的彻底失望,可能导致我们对所有人也意兴阑珊。A person's total disappointment could lead to all of us have worn.

让意兴阑珊的晚宴重拾活力的一个好方法便是问问大家心中最好的犯罪剧集是哪部。An easy way to revive a flagging dinner party is to ask people to name their choice of the greatest crime show.

世事维艰加上酒价上涨,甚至让英国人对花钱买醉也开始意兴阑珊。Of difficult things with wine prices rise, and even the British have begun to spend money, got drunk down-hearted.

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他们参与其中,意兴阑珊,在教室和blogospere里争论着书中出现的各种事件,争得面红耳赤。They were involved, interested, and debates raged across the classroom and the blogospere about various things that came up in the book.

想想我现在这种因为对平淡的日子的失望,进而对过年意兴阑珊的心情,我不禁钦佩起自己的父母了。Because of the disappointment of the ordinary days, now I lost my interests in the feelings of the Chinese New Year, I can not help admiring my own parents.

与之相比,三十多岁的女性每天都忙于工作于家务,无暇共计减肥,而到了四五十岁时,对于减肥这码事在已经意兴阑珊。By contrast, those in their thirties are often too busy to watch their weight while many in their forties and fifties have simply ‘lost interest’ in getting the perfect body.

写小说的朋友说,写长篇小说,最兴奋是还没下笔之前,最痛苦是开头,最享受是写到中场的时候,最意兴阑珊是差不多写到结局的时候。Friends composing novels say when composing saga novel, you feel excited before you start, but painful at the beginning, enjoy most at the middle and absent of enthusiasm in the end.

不断收到拒稿信使得姜意兴阑珊,当他毕业后搬到西雅图在微软就任技术文档撰写职务时曾一度考虑完全退出科幻创作。Demoralized by his growing stack of rejection slips, Chiang considered abandoning fiction entirely after graduation, when he moved to Seattle to take a job as a technical writer at Microsoft.