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课文有注音吗?Is the text marked with phonetic symbols?

这个反切注音,就是现在“茶”字的读音。This Fanqie phonetic, is now "tea" the word pronunciation.

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凡初学者,必须先学注音符号。Any beginners in learning is required to learn phonetic symbols first.

采用个案研究的方法,逐个讨论了注音材料292条,双音节新词181个。We discussed 292 pieces of phonetic transcription materials and 181 new words.

所以,小学生的读本是在国字旁加了注音的,他们的作文也是国字与注音并用的。That is why phonetic symbols are used in reading materials for Taiwanese primary schools.

接着他就开始请医生们给他把药品的拉丁名称写下来,用中文注音。Then he began coming to doctors to write out for him the Latin names of medicines in Chinese characters.

汉语拼音是给汉字注音和拼写汉语的工具。Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is the tool for phonetic annotation of Chinese Characters and Chinese spelling.

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汉语音素可以突破音素化汉字注音方案的整齐性。Chinese phoneme characters can break through the neatness of the phonetic annotation of Chinese characters.

提供每个注音符号对应的汉语拼音、通用拼音与正确发音。We provide Zhuyin with the corresponding Hanyu Pinyin and Tongyong Pinyin, and also the correct pronunciation.

生字簿则为各课的生字练习,以字为单位,附有该字的笔顺、拼音、注音等。Vocabulary book is for the vocabulary practices, each word a unit, including the stroke, phonics and phonetics.

译文既忠实原文,又注意韵味,并附有汉语拼音注音。The translation is faithful to the original version, and with emphasis on the rhymes, attached Chinese phonetic symbols.

我是如此迷恋乐趣,我恨所有那些奇怪的注音符号和多字留和平游戏。I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words.

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字头下有注音与释义,同时还有该字的简化方法的说明和相关的字形字音信息。There are pronunciation and explanation under every word and also information about the way in which the word is simplified.

后者正逐渐向一种独立的语言发展,其注音体系与国际音标相距甚远。This is a set of totally different phonetic marking system that is developing gradually to a totally different English language.

为了确保艰涩词的正确发音,广播电视记者常常在文稿中加入注音。To make sure they know how to correctly pronounce difficult words, broadcast journalists often include phonetic spellings in their scripts.

长期以来,美国的中文学校以粤语、繁体字、注音符号为主。For a long period of time, Chinese schools across the United States have used Cantonese, traditional characters, and Zhu Yin phonetics to teach.

为学生借助于他们熟知的英语元音,采用严式音标注音的方法来学习日语语音提供一条较为科学的途径。It is proposed that this new method can enhance students to cognize Japanese vowels with the help of narrow transcription as well as English vowels.

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而这些方法又充分体现出其“随文释义”“随文注音”的显著特点。These ways of explanation sufficiently embody these eminent characters with explaining signification and transcription according to specific contexts.

书中保证了图书内容的准确性,并尽可能提供了注音、注释和译文,方便您辅导孩子学习。Book to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the book and, if possible, to provide a phonetic, comments, and asked for counseling your child to learn.

汉语成语故事大全,包括一条成语的注音、出处、解释、用法、近义词、反义词、同韵词、英语、成语故事、示例等。Chinese idioms Daquan, including a phonetic phrase, origin, interpretation, usage, synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words, in English, idioms, examples and so on.