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史密斯用右手长拳痛击对手。Smith peppered his opponent with long right.

马上我们将要开始一个痛击实验。We will begin the painful shock experiment in a moment.

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然而,308大选之后,国阵遭到了痛击。However, after 308 general election, BN had beated badly.

明天我们要痛击那些全球健身中心队的私生子们。Tomorrow we're gonna pecker-slap those Globo Gym bastards.

并且欧洲极右政党的一个重大议题便是痛击穆斯林。And a big theme for European far-right parties is Muslim-bashing.

中国女子曲棍球队周六痛击日本队,比分是3-0。China's women's field hockey team trounced Japan on Saturday, 3-0.

蒙哥利马激励他的军队痛击隆美尔,把他赶出非洲。Montgomery urged his troops to knock Rommel for six out of Africa.

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“我会帮助你在媒体上痛击他们。”他说。“我们不能做守财奴。”“I'll help you bash them in the media,” he said. “We can't be misers.”

他似乎更倾向于用知性的反击来判决和痛击对手。He seems to prefer intellectual counteroffensives to decrees and crackdowns.

你要驾驶着著名的米格29战机在空中痛击F16战机!You have to drive the famous MiG-29 fighter planes in the air blow F16 fighter!

汤姆·金照这样连打中了两次,然后他就放手痛击他的对手,把他逼到绳子上面。Twice King achieved this, then turned loose and hammered his opponent to the ropes.

我发现爸爸痛击窃贼这个主意让我既兴奋又害怕。I found the idea of Baba clobbering a thief both exhilarating and terribly frightening.

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害怕痛击的投机分子也许会利用剩余的时间去抛空。Speculators fearing a crackdown might want to use the time they have left to sell short.

民主党前法律教授是痛击前的销售试点行动的数字。The Democratic former law professor is trouncing the ex-pilot in sales of action figures.

呼唤自然之灵,它们就会缠住你的对手或者用风暴痛击你的敌人。Call to the spirits, and they will entangle your foes or smite your enemies with the storm.

鲁尼第58分钟以替补球员身份出场,英格兰开始全力痛击对手。Rooney came off the bench in the 58th minute as England struggled to break down its opponent.

詹姆斯和韦德两人在严防之下失误不断,第三节热火遭到痛击。James and Wade both of them prevent mistakes under the keep, the third quarter was down on the Heat.

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芬南在爱尔兰被来访的荷兰4比0痛击的比赛中上场63分钟。Steve Finnan played 63 minutes for the Republic of Ireland who were thumped 4-0 by visitors Holland.

得到痛击实验消息的受试者,更有可能要先助手很有魅力。The people who got the painful shock instruction are more likely to find the confederate attractive.

美国的旅游、食品相关产业的公司,在周一其股价遭受痛击之后,可能还将持续走低。Companies associated with the travel and food industries could suffer after getting walloped in U. S.