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它是完全禁欲的。It's completely ascetic.

保罗和所有好人都是禁欲的。Paul and the good guys are all ascetic.

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我应该训练禁欲,独身。I should practice brahmacharya, celibacy.

禁欲可以通过这样的方式达到。The abode of celibacy is attained through this plan.

身为一名卫理公会教徒,他是禁欲的热情拥护者。As a methodist he was a fervent advocate of temperance.

禁欲乃是为了尊重欲望之庄严。Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite.

许多大脑自恋者甚至在他们结婚后还会保持禁欲状态。Many cerebral narcissists are celibate even when married.

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大部份的禁欲学派对于梦的解释怀疑而批判。Most Stoics are critical and skeptical about such interpretation.

禁欲学派对于预测灾难发展三个心象的推论。The Stoics developed three eidetic reductions of future misfortune.

禁欲是一种存在于人体的持续的生命力量。The capability of sustaining the life force in the body is celibacy.

企图完全压制住愤怒只不过是禁欲者的勇敢表现之一。To seek to extinguish anger utterly, is but a bravery of the stoics.

学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.

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如果吉他是女人的,陈冠希跟我比简真像是个禁欲的和尚。If guitars were women, I'd makeCharlieSheenlook like a celibate monk.

他实践了在自我禁欲与自我纵欲之间的中道。He practiced a Middle Way between self-mortification and self- indulgence.

直到几年以前,避孕套和禁欲还只是仅有的预防艾滋病的方法。Until a few years ago, condoms and abstinence were alone in that tool kit.

毕竟,“完全禁欲教育项目”就是要告诉孩子们所有的事实。After all, abstinence-only education is all about being honest with the kids.

你知道的,在结婚前让他们分开的最终目的是保持禁欲。The ultimate goal is for them to separate—abstinence before marriage, you know.

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修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

你知道的,在结婚前让他们分开的最终目的是保持禁欲。The ultimate goal is for them to separate— abstinence before marriage, you know.