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笔杆子比刀剑更有力。The pen is mightier than the sword.

你是说笔杆子还行,是吗?You mean your penmanship is good? Is thatit?

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安迪•托比亚斯大概也在受邀之列,他是民主党全国委员会的笔杆子兼财务主管。And then there's also Andy Tobias, author and treasurer of the Democratic National Committee.

佩林州长的演讲非常好,但是它是乔治-布什的笔杆子写出来的。The speech that Gov. Palin gave was well-delivered, but it was written by George Bush's speechwriter.

我想要强调的重点是你在报纸上写的文章能够改变世界。笔杆子比枪杆子更硬!I want to stress that articles you write on newspapers can change the world. The pen is mightier than the sword!

对于这位历史上最有名的非暴力运动者之一的甘地来说,笔杆子曾经的确比枪杆子要硬。For Mahatma Gandhi, one of history's best known non-violent activists, the pen was indeed mightier than the sword.

新年伊始,玩笔杆子的也难免有文字拼写、打印出错的时候。The start of the new year also brings with it the opening of the new season of typos, misprints and spelling errors.

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是手里拿着笔杆子背后站着枪杆子逼出来的经典翻译。Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung is the classic translation penned by those translators but who were being guarded by gun.

重塑中文系大学生“笔杆子”的社会形象,是中文专业走出困境的必然选择。Renovating Chinese language students' image of "pens" is an essential choice for this major to get out of the difficult situation.

他们抓笔杆子,就是要为他们的资本主义复辟和反革命政变作舆论准备。And their efforts to seize hold of the pen had the sole purpose of preparing public opinion for the restoration of capitalism and a counter-revolutionary coup.

他们必须是很强的笔杆子,能够帮助记者组织正在发展中的新闻,他们要与第一线记者讨论情况,并就是否需要布置更多的人力以增加报道的角度作出决定。They must be good writers in order to help to shape the story as it is developing, discussing it with reporters in the field and deciding where to deploy more people to cover additional angles.